NSU Newsroom
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This version of SharkBytes has been archived as of February 28, 2019. To search through archived articles, visit nova.edu/search. To access the new version of SharkBytes, visit sharkbytes.nova.edu.
SharkBytes Archive
OHR to offer “Negotiation Skills & Strategies” Seminar, Feb. 2 & 3
A popular slogan proclaims, “You do not always get what you deserve. You get what you negotiate.” It is true that high quality negotiation skills are a key factor in getting needs met for individuals and organizations. The Office of Human Resources will sponsor, Negotiation Skills and Strategies, facilitated by…
Fort Myers Spreading Joy to Lee County
On Dec. 2, students at NSU Fort Myers brightened Christmas for some young students at James Stephens International Academy (JSIA). JSIA students were able to submit wish lists to Santa and NSU Fort Myers students responded by renewing the Angel Tree gift drive and donated gifts to 27 children ranging from ages…
Cold Call Prospecting Boot Camp, Jan. 27
The Hudson Institute is offering this one-day program on Thursday, Jan. 27 from 9 am – 4 pm on the NSU main campus. The program is designed to help sales professionals hone their sales techniques. Learn how to get past gate keepers, reach key decision makers, overcome objections, and develop a concrete…
NSU Business School Executive Appointed to the Florida Technology, Research, and Scholarship Board
Former Gov. Charlie Crist recently appointed a top NSU business school dean to the Florida Technology, Research and Scholarship Board. J. Preston Jones, D.B.A., executive associate dean of academic affairs at NSU’s H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship, was appointed for a term beginning on Dec. 27 and…
Mark your calendar for CommunityFest!

The NSU CommunityFest is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 12 from noon to 4:00 p.m. Don’t miss out on this fun-filled day of food, music, and giveaways!
Office of Clinical Research offers Training Workshop, Apr. 5
The Office of Clinical Research will offer the final workshop in the series on Apr. 5. The title of the workshop is “Applying Good Clinical Practice in Research.” The session will be held in room 4370 of the Ziff Building at noon. For more information, visit www.nova.edu/ocr/training.
2011 Winter Edition of Dollar$ and $ense Available Online
Enrollment and Student Services (ESS) has published the winter 2011 issue of the student financial aid newsletter called Dollar$ and $ense. This newsletter provides students with information relating to the financial aid application process, scholarships, updates regarding federal and state financial aid, deadlines and more. The newsletter is available on…
SHSS Faculty Publish Book on Conflict Resolution Communication

Neil Katz, Ph.D., faculty and Chair of the Department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution (DCAR) in the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS), and Marcia Sweedler, Ph.D., former Interim Chair and faculty in the department, have co-authored with John Lawyer the second edition of Communication and Conflict Resolution…
The upcoming issue of the journal Campus-Wide Information Systems (CWIS) will be publishing a paper by NSU’s Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences Associate Professor Yair Levy, Ph.D., written in conjunction with the business school’s part-time professor Michelle M. Ramim, Ph.D., and their two colleagues from the University of…
Florida Governor Reappoints Fischler School professor to Florida Fund for minority Teachers

NSU’s Fischler School of Education and Human Services is proud to announce that program professor Ken Dose, Ed.D., has been reappointed to the Board of Directors for the Florida Fund for Minority Teachers. Former Florida Governor Charlie Crist recently selected Dose and six other community leaders to serve in this…
NSU Computer Programming Team Competes in Regional Contest, Places in Top 50

Three undergraduate students from the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, who comprise NSU’s computer programming team, competed in the 2010 Southeast Regional Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) International Computer Programming Contest on Nov. 6, held at Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne, Fla. The team finished 47th out of…
SHSS Student Named First Director of Diversity Education and Training at College of Charleston

Meridith Gould, M.S., doctoral candidate in the Department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution (DCAR) in the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS), has been appointed as the first Director of Diversity Education and Training for the College of Charleston in Charleston, S.C. Gould has an extensive background as…
Computer Sciences School Hosts Winter Poster Session for Doctoral Students
NSU’s Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences held the Winter Poster Session for doctoral students on Jan. 8. Doctoral students and faculty discussed, learned, and shared common research or topic interests and interesting practices within their field. Select students were invited to present their research interests within the school’s academic…
Faculty Lecture Series Event Highlights Career of Composer Federico Mompou, Feb. 7

The next installment of the Faculty Lecture Series, presented by the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, will discuss “Composer Federico Mompou (1893–1987) and the French Connection.” The event, which includes a lecture and performance, will take place on Feb. 7 from 5–6 p.m. in the college’s Performing and Visual…
The Sharks are travelling all across Florida this January hoping to return home victorious. But, not all the action will take place on the road. Look forward to some killer basketball games at the end of January. It’s all here, this week in Shark Athletics. Swimming and Diving: The Swimming…
NSU Orlando Employees e-mentor Local High School Students
The NSU Orlando Student Education Center (SEC) employees continue to make a difference in the community. On Dec. 8, they hosted 28 students from nearby Sheeler High School at a Christmas luncheon held at the SEC. Sheeler High School helps students who have not been successful in other public or…
Young Artists to Shine in Solo Performances at Ars Flores Concert, Jan. 22

The Ars Flores Symphony Orchestra, in partnership with the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, will host the Young-Artists Competition Winners’ Concert on Jan. 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the Miniaci Performing Arts Center. The concert will feature the six winners of the 2010 Young-Artists Concerto Competition, which was held…
Evolutionary Biologist, Author Richard Dawkins to Speak About “The Fact of Evolution” Feb. 17

The Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences Division of Math, Science, and Technology will welcome Richard Dawkins, M.A., D.Phil., as the next lecturer in the college’s Distinguished Speakers Series. Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist and author, will present a talk titled “The Fact of Evolution” on Feb. 17 in the Arena…
NSU Speaker’s Forum Hosted by Dr. Larry A. Calderon, Jan. 21

Fran L. Tetunic, J.D., professor and director of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Clinic at NSU’s Shepard Broad Law Center, will be the feature speaker at NSU Speaker’s Forum on Friday, Jan. 21. Her topic will be juvenile mediation. Having created and continuing to direct the law center’s Juvenile Mediation Program,…
Step Up and Audition for Dance Concert Production, Jan. 22

The Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences Division of Performing and Visual Arts will host open auditions on Jan. 22, for its upcoming Dance Concert production. Auditions will begin at 3:30 p.m. in the Performance Theatre of the college’s Performing and Visual Arts Wing in the Don Taft University Center….