NSU Newsroom
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Looking Ahead
Let’s Speak Truth, Poetry and Spoken Word Night, March 1

Audre Lorde wrote, “Poetry is not only dream and vision; it is the skeleton architecture of our lives.” Poetry is an intimate affair and the best way to experience it is to see it performed in person. Come out and listen to MC Quick the Poet as well as local…
Coffee and Conversation at the Alvin Sherman Library, March 1

Join us over coffee for a little conversation with award winning author, Beck Dorey-Stein. In 2012, she was just scraping by in DC when a posting on Craigslist landed her, improbably, in the Oval Office as one of Barack Obama’s stenographers. The ultimate DC outsider, she joined the elite team who…
Halmos Lecture Series Focuses on Eigenvalues, March 1

On Friday, March 1, the Mathematics Colloquium Series will present Zhongshan Li, Ph.D.’s lecture, “Irreducible sign patterns that require all distinct eigenvalues”. Hosted by Halmos College’s Department of Mathematics, this lecture will look at eigenvalues. Li is the Graduate Director of Mathematics at Georgia State University. The research discussed will…
A Sense of Pride: Creativity Exploration LGBTQ+Adults, Seniors and Allies “Self-Dissecting”, March 2

A Sense of Pride programs presented by NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale at Broward County Library branches, foster inclusion, understanding and acceptance. Participants are introduced to mindfulness and positive flow state-of-mind as they develop pride, confidence, empathy and tolerance, while expanding their perceptions and increasing brain connectivity through visual and…
Join I Care I Cure at the 12th Annual I Care I Cure…I Run, March 3

Join I Care I Cure at the 12th Annual I Care I Cure…I Run 5K, Mile Run of Color Fun, Corporate Challenge and Family Fun Day March 3, 2019 at 8:00 a.m. Nova Southeastern University, Davie Join I Care I Cure at the 11th Annual I Care I Cure…I Run…
CAHSS Invites You to the The Theory of Creativity Art and Design Senior Exhibit, ends March 6

NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) is pleased to invite you to “The Theory of Creativity Art and Design Senior Exhibit,” held February 20-March 6, 2019. Each year, students enrolled in ARTS 4995 Senior Project within the Department of Performing and Visual Arts (DPVA) get to craft…
NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale to Host Art of Wine & Food Series: Pick a Peck of Pinots, March 7

Join Tommy Artounian from SGWS as he explores the exciting world of Pinot Noir. Sample and compare four great pinots from around the world with small bites served to pair with each wine on Thursday, March 7. Come early at 5:30 p.m. and enjoy a docent led highlight tour of…
Creativity Exploration: Positivity and Patterns, March 9

Learn about the traditional Huichol Mexican art making of Ojos de Dios and make a protective charm using yarn and weaving techniques, infusing positive thinking and gratitude into the work. Creativity Exploration is NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale’s and unique series of workshops designed to promote the benefits of creative…
NSU Alvin Sherman Library to Host StoryFest, March 10

Let’s head to the islands for a fun-filled day of storytelling, live music, arts and crafts, face-painting and storybook characters! Join us Sunday, March 10, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. for this fantastic free family event…your child can select a free book (while supplies last)! Visit lib.nova.edu/storyfest to RSVP ….