NSU Newsroom
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This version of SharkBytes has been archived as of February 28, 2019. To search through archived articles, visit nova.edu/search. To access the new version of SharkBytes, visit sharkbytes.nova.edu.
NSU Research Spotlight
Halmos Research on Corals Makes Top of Frontiers in Marine Science
This February, the Frontiers in Marine Science selected a paper by Halmos College researchers, faculty, and a Ph.D. candidate as their cover. The article, entitled “Identifying Causes of Temporal Changes in Acropora cervicornis Populations and the Potential for Recovery” was written by Elizabeth A. Goergen, Ph.D., Alison L. Moulding, Ph.D.,…
TQR 11th Annual Conference Contemporary Qualitative Research-Submit Presentation Abstract Now
Call Now Open – Submit Presentation Abstract Contemporary qualitative research is a diverse world of varied perspectives, designs, methods, products and purposes. We have descriptive, interpretive, scientific, artistic, critical, collaborative, participatory, indigenous, and provocative approaches to name just a few of the ways qualitative researchers conceptualize, conduct, and communicate their work….
Recently, Keynote speakers, Kathryn Roulston, Ph.D., from the University of Georgia, Sally St. George, Ph.D., and Dan Wulff, Ph.D., from the University of Calgary, and Eli Lieber, Ph.D., from SocioCultural Research Consultants, LLC (Dedoose.com) and UCLA joined nearly 240 scholars, researchers, and academics to celebrate “Teaching and Learning Qualitative Research”…
NSU Research Spotlight: Rare Species Donated to Halmos College Fish Collection

Over the past several weeks, two rare fish enhanced the Halmos College Fish Collection: a crested oarfish and a sharptail Mola. The crested oarfish Lophotus lacepede was caught on Jan 20, 2019 off South Carolina by the commercial fishing boat F/V Ellen Jean by Captain Greg O’Neill. Captain O’Neill worked…
NSU Researchers Uncover Genetic Marker, Predictor of Early Relapse in Pediatric ALL

Nova Southeastern University (NSU) researchers recently discovered that by testing the level of NER (nucleotide excision repair) gene expression, pediatric oncologists can determine the likelihood of early relapse (less than three years) in their acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) patients. This is a critical finding because NER gene expression levels can…
NSU Research Spotlight: Halmos College Galapagos Shark Research Featured in National Geographic

This October, the iconic magazine National Geographic published an article on Galapagos hammerhead sharks. These sharks, with their wide-eyed appearance are some of the most iconic species found around these small Ecuadoran islands. One of the many questions about this species is where do they go to give birth? Halmos…

For more than five decades, scientists at Nova Southeastern University’s (NSU) Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography have dedicated themselves to researching and better understanding coral reefs around the world. Similarly, Norwegian Cruise NCLH Corporate Vertical2Line Holdings, a leading global cruise company which operates the Norwegian Cruise Line,…
Have you Seen this Eight-Legged Monster on Campus?

The golden silk orb-weaver (Nephila clavipes), also known as the banana spider, is the largest non-tarantula in North America. Despite their menacing appearance, these spiders are not dangerous and won’t bite unless handled or squeezed. In fact, most orb-weavers have very poor vision, remain in their webs and feed on…
Halmos Researchers Deploy Open ROV off Fort Lauderdale

On July 18, 2018, Halmos faculty member Paul Arena, Ph.D. and master’s student Louis-Pierre Rich partnered with the International SeaKeepers Society Rich to deploy an Open ROV from the DISCOVERY Yacht Shredder. Open ROV’s (Remotely Operated Vehicles) are a low-cost telerobotic submarine/underwater drone built with the goal of making underwater…
Let’s Get Physical (with Data)

We are surrounded by torrents of data, coming from scientific, industrial, financial, and other sources. To help make sense of complicated information – often involving relationships between three or more variables, NSU associate professor Louis R. Nemzer wants us to get physical with our data, using 3D-printing. In contrast with…
Halmos Graduate Student and Alumni Conduct Coral Research in Belize

In spring 2018, Halmos graduate student Megan Bock and Halmos alumni Morgan Hightshoe (M.S. ’18) traveled to Carrie Bow Cay, Belize with Halmos faculty member Nicole Fogarty, Ph.D. During the trip we conduct thermal tolerance experiments on acroporid corals as part of Fogarty’s NSF funded research and collected data, respiration…
NSU Research Spotlight: NSU M.D. College Researcher Receives NIH Grant to Study Tissue Regeneration

Vladimir Beljanski, Ph.D., clinical research assistant professor, Nova Southeastern University Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD), received a $454,924 grant from the National Institutes of Health to fund a project titled “Modulation of therapeutic cells exosome content by autophagy.” Recent discoveries suggest that the success of…
Researchers Join OCEARCH on One-Of-A-Kind Collaborative Research Trip

When describing an upcoming research trip for Nova Southeastern University (NSU) scientists, ambitious is a bit of an understatement. OCEARCH, which has earned acclaim for its research related to great white sharks, has invited scientists from a number of other organizations to join them for a unique trip up the…
NSU Research Spotlight: Researchers Show Human Microbiome Could Help in Solving Crime

Look out would-be thieves and criminals, there’s another tool that could soon be in the law enforcement investigator’s toolbox. Researchers have discovered that every individual’s microbial community (or “microbiome”) found on their body is as unique as human fingerprints or DNA, and this bacterial signature can be left behind even…
Halmos Researcher Interviewed on Impacts of Sunscreen on Corals

In early May, Halmos Research Scientist Abigail Renegar, Ph.D. was interviewed by West Palm Beach TV station WTVX. New research has shown that the compound Oxybenzone found in sunscreen has a deadly effect coral. Renegar states, ““It’s been shown to cause mortality and a number of developmental abnormalities in coral…
NSU Research Spotlight: Halmos College – Shining a Light in the Dark with Peppermint Shrimp

In the vast darkness of the deep sea, animals of all sizes swim, crawl, and float in a perpetual search for food. Seemingly oblivious to the world that lies above them, they are still impacted by our everyday decisions and actions. The only thing is: we don’t always know…
NSU Research Spotlight: Halmos College Researchers Predict Timing of Coral Extinction

In March 2018, Halmos College faculty members Bernhard Riegl, Ph.D. and Matthew Johnston, Ph.D. in collaboration with two outside researchers published the journal article, “Population collapse dynamics in Acropora downingi, an Arabian/Persian Gulf ecosystem-engineering coral, linked to rising temperature” in the high impact journal Global Change Biology. The article precisely…
NSU Research Spotlight: NSU, FAU, and UTHSC Collaborate on Sea Turtle Research Project

Faculty members representing Florida Atlantic University, NSU, and the University of Texas joined forces on an original research study to explore the lymphatic systems of sea turtles. To date little is known about the anatomy and function of the lymphatics in sea turtles. These structures are difficult to image and…
Halmos College’s Ocean Science Research Symposium

In January 2018, the Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography hosted its second Ocean Science Research Symposium. Faculty, postdoctoral, and graduate students presented technical summaries on current research that covered a wide array of diverse marine topics, including physical oceanography, coral reefs, larval ecology, bill fish, shark tracking, marine…
Halmos Researcher Aids in Modifying Port of Miami Anchorage

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, in partnership with the United States Coast Guard (USCG) and NSU, has modified the Port of Miami Anchorage Area in Miami Beach. Studies led by Halmos College research scientist Brian Walker, Ph.D. and conducted by DEP and NSU showed that anchorage modification was necessary…