NSU Newsroom
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NSU Achievements
Halmos Faculty Wins President’s Distinguished Professor of the Year

This week, Halmos College faculty professor Jose Lopez, Ph.D. was recognized as the 2017-2018 NSU Distinguished Professor of the Year at the Annual Faculty Reception. Dr. Lopez joined NSU in 2007. Since then he has been awarded over 14 extramurally funded research grants totaling over $2.1 million at NSU including…
NSU Professor Presents at the University of Arizona

Robert Speth, Ph.D, recently traveled to Tucson Arizona to give a presentation “The History of Angiotensin 1-7: Part one” to the Pharmacology Department of the Colleges of Pharmacy and Medicine at the University of Arizona. It was a homecoming for Speth as he did his Post-Doctoral research training under the…
Halmos Faculty Member Promotes Health and Wellness to Students

On September 18, Halmos College faculty member Santanu De, Ph.D. presented at the Resident Assistant health and wellness program on fruits and vegetables. Titled “We’re different fruit!” Dr. De discussed the nutritional aspects of some common fruits and vegetables we eat regularly. Various fruit-smoothie samples were offered as well.
Halmos College Faculty and Alumnus Land on PLOS One’s Landing Page

This fall, Halmos College alumnus Alexander Humphreys ’13 (MS in marine biology) and Halmos College faculty member and Chair Bernhard Riegl, Ph.D. published an article entitled, “Effect of seawater temperature, pH, and nutrients on the distribution and character of low abundance shallow water benthic foraminifer in the Galapagos” in PLOS…
NSU Welcomes AAUW International Fellowship Recipient

This fall, NSU welcomed AAUW Fellowship Recipient Sharon Lelega from Sudan into the conflict analysis and resolution doctoral program. Sharon intends to focus on women’s participation in the peace process. This will be achieved by conducting a series of consultative meetings with various stakeholders in order to understand the policies…
CAHSS Faculty and Students Author Book Chapters on Equine Assisted Therapy

Shelley Green, Ph.D., faculty in the Department of Family Therapy in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS), has authored a chapter and co-authored two other chapters in the book, Equine-Assisted Therapy Activities for Counselors: Harnessing Solutions to Common Problems, edited by Kay Sudekum Trotter, Ph.D., and Jennifer…
NSU, HCBE, MSRED Mentioned and Quoted in Nationwide Publication by SIOR
In the spring of 2017, the M.S. in Real Estate Development program had the pleasure of having Hendry County, FL, and the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors (SIOR) as clients and sponsors for a competition for the $500 million expansion of Airglades International Airport. NSU teams worked on this…
School of Criminal Justice Doctoral Student Promoted to Sergeant, Authoring Book

Adam Wilson, doctoral student, at NSU’s School of Criminal Justice, was recently promoted to Sergeant of the Gastonia Police Department (North Carolina). Adam is a North Carolina Police veteran of 14 years. He’s currently authoring a book, TACTICAL RELOAD, Mindset Shifts for the Next Generation of Law Enforcement Leaders, and is beta…

Recently, Judith McKay, J.D., Ph.D., faculty in the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies (DCRS) in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) presented three workshops on “Stress Relief,” for Teacher Appreciation Day at NSU’s Palm Beach Campus. Teachers from Palm Beach, Martin, St, Lucie, Indian River, and Okeechobee…

Jessica Muñiz-Collado, M.F.A., faculty in the Department of Performing and Visual Arts (DPVA) in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) and her MUSC 2600 Music Production class welcomed Brad Ingrao, Au.D. from the Department of Audiology in the Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Sciences. Ingrao spoke…
Halmos College Researchers Study Ocean Acidification in Belize

This summer, Halmos faculty member Nicole Fogarty, Ph.D. and three of her master’s students spent two week in Belize. There they studied the effects of ocean acidification and warming on the earliest life history stages of threatened acroporid corals. Funded by the National Science Foundation, master’s students Megan Bock, Kelly…
Dr. Hui Fang Huang (Angie) Su Named 2017-2018 Professor of the Year at FCE

Hui Fang Huang (Angie) Su, Ed.D., Associate Professor with Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the Abraham S. Fischler College of Education, has been honored with the Distinguished Professor Award of Excellence for the Fischler College 2017-2018. Dr. Su is the creator of Project MIND ® – Math is Not Difficult, a…
NSU Represented by Faculty, Students, Alumni at APA 2018 Convention

NSU College of Psychology faculty received awards and students presented research as part of the 126th annual American Psychological Association (APA) conference from Aug. 9-12 in San Francisco. The college’s Clinical Psychology doctoral program was recognized with the Richard M. Suinn Minority Achievement Award. The award, based on student nominations,…

Andrea Shaw Nevins, Ph.D., professor and chair of the Department of History and Political Science in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS), has co-authored a book chapter with CAHSS alum, Jazmyn Brown, B.A. The chapter, entitled, “‘Fat’ as Political Disobedience: Black Women Blogging the Resistance,” appears in…
Three CAHSS Students are Named Quell Foundation Bridge-the-Gap Scholars

The Department of Family Therapy (DFT), in the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) is pleased to announce the Quell Foundation Bridge-the-Gap Scholars for fall, 2018: Boglarka Varga, Rita Cebuc, and Brittany Dakota Chabot. All three students are second year master’s students in DFT. According to Quell Foundation…
CAHSS Faculty creates winning poster in AIGA Miami PosterFest Design for Good Competition

Tennille D. Schuster, M.F.A., faculty in the Department of Performing and Visual Arts in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) created the winning poster in the AIGA Miami PosterFest Design for Good Competition. The competition was created to inspire the design of posters that bring compassionate attention…
FCE Professor Featured on Univision’s Despierta America’s Panel Discussion on School Safety

Maribel Del Rio-Roberts, Psy.D., Assistant Professor, at NSU’s Abraham S. Fischler College of Education, was invited to participate in a panel discussion on Univision’s Despierta America, on how to protect our children in schools and identifies several key areas that parents should consider. The multiple school shootings during 2017 and…
CAHSS Student is Named Associate Ombudsperson at University of Cincinnati

Alicia Booker, M.A., doctoral student in the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies (DCRS) in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) was named Associate Ombudsperson at University of Cincinnati. In this position, she provides ombuds services to faculty, staff, and students. Prior to coming to NSU to earn…
Exciting ExEL Collaboration between CEC and CAHSS Presented at ASEE Conference

Faculty from two of NSU’s Colleges collaborated on the redesign of an engineering graphics course to include experiential and active learning pedagogies. Martha Snyder, Ph.D., PMP, SPHR, Associate Professor, and Manuel Salinas, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in NSU’s College of Engineering and Computing (CEC), and Molly Scanlon, Ph.D., Associate Professor…

Since its creation in 2004, the Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences’ Department of Health Science Medical Sonography Program has “talked the talk and walked the walk,” evolving into one of the most prestigious sonography programs in the United States and abroad. Guided by the vision, mission, and…