NSU Newsroom
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NSU Health Care Centers

Source: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Having fun while you swim this summer means knowing how to prevent recreational water illnesses (RWIs) and injuries. Learn how to stay healthy and safe while enjoying the water! Swimming is one of the most popular sports activities in the United States (1)….
Meningococcal Disease: Help Prevent It
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Protection Meningococcal disease is a serious, vaccine-preventable infection. The meningococcal conjugate vaccine is recommended for all 11-18 year olds. Kids should get this vaccine at 11-12 years of age and a booster dose at age 16. Did you know that there are approximately 1,000…
April is Autistic Spectrum Disorder Month
April is Autistic Spectrum Disorder Month. This most difficult disorder is now affecting one in every 88 children. For many years, Nova Southeastern University’s Mailmen Segal Center has been on the cutting edge of bringing programs to help in changing the lives of all these children and their families. NSU…
Protect your Heart – begin now during American Heart Month

American Heart Month is a perfect time to reassess our lifestyle choices and make heart healthy decisions. NSU is hosting the American Heart Association Heart Walk on our main campus on March 17 so this is a fitting time for a health hint that focuses on heart healthy living. We…
The Most Important New Year’s Resolution You May Ever Make
Happy New Year, to all of NSU’s Family from all of us from Clinical Operations. In keeping with all our desires for a happy and healthy year and in preparation for NSU’s tobacco-free campus campaign, we are including for our health tip the Center for Disease Control’s link for the…
Have you heard about NSU’s Wellness Made Simple program?

The Wellness Made Simple program is a health care partnership for NSU employees and family members insured by ICUBA. (Does not apply to pediatric patients.) For more information about the Wellness Made Simple program, visit www.nova.edu/healthcare/wellnessmadesimple.
Family Holiday Health Tips from the CDC
As we are now well into the holiday season, this month’s Health Tip is a repeat of the suggestions from the Center of Disease Control: visit www.cdc.gov/family/holiday/. May we take this opportunity to offer all of NSU’s family a happy and healthy holiday season. Robert S. Oller, D.O. Chief Executive…
Are you Ready for Flu Season? Get Vaccinated!
Flu season is quickly approaching. NSU Health Care Centers are prepared for this season with adequate supplies of vaccines. As has been in the past we will also be administering flu vaccine at different sites on campus. Look for dates, times and sites from the Office of Human Resources. For…
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Breast Self-Awareness

(Source: Susan G. Komen for the Cure® ) Except for skin cancers, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, but it can be successfully treated. Screening tests can find cancer early, when it’s most treatable. Your Breast Care: Helpful Hints for Women Susan G. Komen for the Cure®…
NSU Pharmacy to Provide Free Blood Pressure Screening, Sept. 20

NSU Pharmacy will offer free blood pressure screening on Tuesday, Sept. 20, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm at the Alvin Sherman Library on NSU’s main campus. Cholesterol screening is available for $15. Appointments recommended but walk-ins will be accepted. Call 954-262-4550.
“Safe Youth. Safe Schools.” September Health Tip from CDC
This fall, approximately 55 million students returned to classrooms across the United States. While our nation’s schools are expected to be safe havens for learning, unintentional injuries and even violence can occur. These events may disrupt the educational process and negatively affect the school and surrounding communities. The Center for…
July Health Tip – Maintain Your Health During New School Year
Submitted by Robert S. Oller, D.O. Chief Executive Officer Division of Clinical Operations As we prepare for the upcoming semester with the arrival of new students or even seeing our own young family and friends making the step into higher education, there are challenges that even us — as educators…
NSU to Open High-Tech Nursing Laboratory in Miami, Aug. 9
Nova Southeastern University will open a new high-tech nursing simulation lab at its Miami Student Educational Center (SEC) on Tuesday, Aug. 9 to better prepare students for a profession that’s in high demand. The lab will house four high-tech robotic simulators placed in hospital beds that simulate a full functioning…
Back to School Physicals offered during August
NSU Health Care Centers will offer Back to School physicals throughout the month of August. Bring immunization records on the day of the visit. Cost is $30; immunizations additional. To schedule Back to School Physical in August, call 954-678-2273 (954-NSU-CARE).
June Health Tip: Have a Safe & Happy Summer
Summer with kids at home can be stressful for parents who active, excited children who want to enjoy all of the benefits of summer vacation. Extra vigilance is required to prevent injury and keep kids safe while they enjoy the sun and outdoor activities. School is out this month so this message from the CDC is apropos for our…
May Health Tip: Summer Travel Means Preparing for Countries with Malaria
As summer approaches and we prepare for our vacations, we must be aware that many parts of the world are experiencing disease’s not common in the US. One of these diseases is malaria. Sometimes a simple ounce of prevention can be the difference between having a great vacation and having…
May is National Stroke Awareness Month
Information provided by the National Stroke Association (www.stroke.org) National Stroke Awareness Month takes place in May every year. In honor of this special time, the National Stroke Association strives to provide everyone with the tools and inspiration to raise public awareness about stroke by hosting awareness events or activities. It…
Inviting Smiles: Orthodontic Treatment at NSU College of Dental Medicine

By: Shiva Khatami, DDS, Ph.D., assistant professor; Abraham Lifshitz, DDS, MSc, professor; Sergio Real, DDS, assistant professor, NSU College of Dental Medicine Your smile sends an invitation to the world around you; an invitation to engage in a positive social interaction and share the joy of living. Orthodontic treatment…
Source: Centers for Disease Control, www.cdc.gov Getting enough sleep helps prevent chronic diseases and promotes overall health. Take a few minutes to assess your sleeping habits with the checklist below. Make any necessary changes to ensure you are getting the best quantity and quality of sleep that you can. Are…
March Health Tip: Information about Autism Spectrum Disorders
With the recent news about Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASDs), health care reform and legislation regarding ASDs being considered an illness that needs to be covered by insurance, I thought it would be helpful for this month’s health tip to include information on the topic by the Center for Disease Control. As a…