NSU Newsroom
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SharkBytes Archive
University Officials from Argentina Visit NSU

A group of 25 high-ranking officials representing public and private universities in Argentina recently visited the NSU campus at the invitation of Chancellor Ray Ferrero, Jr., J.D. The May 28 campus visit was in conjunction with a two day Academic Summit organized by the Consul General of Argentina in Miami,…
Chief Executive Officer of Clinical Operations Recognized for Community Service
Robert S. Oller, D.O. , Chief Executive Officer of NSU’s Division of Clinical Operations, and his wife Ronnie were recently honored by the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention (FISP) as 2010 Humanitarians Award Honorees. Additionally, on May 12 the two were recognized for their service to the community by the…
SHSS Faculty Contributes to report for International Council on Human Rights Policy

Mark Davidheiser, Ph.D., faculty in the Department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution (DCAR) in the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS), was a contributor to the report, “When Legal Worlds Overlap: Human Rights, State and Non-State Law,” a publication of the International Council on Human Rights Policy. The…
SHSS Faculty Presents at the 6th Congress of Qualitative Inquiry in Illinois

Ron Chenail, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Family Therapy (DFT) in the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) presented at the 6th Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (QI2010) held on May 26-29, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. As part of a panel entitled, “Journal Publishing,” Chenail…
GSCIS Alumnus Publishes Book on IT Certification’s Impact on Student Engagement
David Andersson, Ed.S., a 2004 graduate of the computing technology in education program at NSU’s Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences, has authored a book entitled, “Information Technology Certification’s Impact on Student Engagement,” published by VDM Publishing, this past May. The book discusses how in IT programs, voluntary professional…
Information Systems Doctoral Student Presents at International Symposium
NSU Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences (GSCIS) doctoral student Gerard Christman recently presented his paper “On Facilitating Stability Operations: A Net-Centric, Federated Approach to Information Sharing” during the 15th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium: “The Evolution of C2” Conference in Santa Monica, Ca., June 22-24….
Vascular Sonography Student Wins National Poster Presentation Award

The Society for Vascular Ultrasound (SVU) presented NSU College of Allied Health and Nursing student Victoria Cortez with the Student Poster Presentation Award during the 2010 Vascular Annual Meeting held between June 10 and 12 in Boston. Cortez, a 2nd-year student in the vascular sonography program in the College of…
Law Center Alumna Appointed to Broward County Court
Melinda Kirsch Brown, a graduate of NSU’s Shepard Broad Law Center, was appointed to the Broward County Court by Gov. Charlie Crist on June 22. Brown will fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Peggy Gehl. “[Brown] has nearly two decades of practical experience with the law and…
Huizenga School Alumnus Presents Paper at Conference at Harvard
Matthew G. Kenney, D.B.A, an alumnus of the Doctor of Business Administration program at the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship, presented a paper titled, “The Value of Creating, Maintaining and Sustaining an Intrapreneurial Culture: A Case Analysis of 3M’s Strategic Positioning” at the International Journal of Arts…
M.B.A. Alumna Climbs Corporate Ladder to VP Position

Charlotte Mather-Taylor, a 2007 M.B.A. graduate of the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship, has worked her way up the corporate ladder and is now the vice president of government relations and community affairs at Broward Health (formerly North Broward Hospital District). Mather-Taylor joined Broward Health more than 15…
Business School Alumnus, Adjunct Professor serves as Speaker in US and England

Kenneth Baylor, D.B.A., an alumnus of the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship’s Master of Science in Leadership and Doctor of Business Administration programs, was recently the featured speaker at the Environmental Industry Association’s national conference in Atlanta, Georgia. He spoke about his research on job satisfaction and…
Law Professor Continues Work on Child Advocacy
As part of his work with the National Institute For Trial Advocacy (NITA), Michael Dale, professor of law at the Shepard Broad Law Center, completed training for lawyers representing parties in abuse and neglect cases at the weeklong Rocky Mountain Child Advocacy Training Institute in Louisville, Colo., in May and…
Summer Wine and Food Series Continues

The Museum of Art | Fort Lauderdale, Nova Southeastern University is offering a Summer Wine and Food Series, hosted by Stephanie Miskew, CSW and Chef John Paul. Thursday, July 22 – “The Enchanted Culinary Garden” – Wine and food pairings inspired by herbs from the Florida garden. Master gardener to…
June Health Tip: Colorectal Cancer is a Killer
In light of all the controversy regarding health care reform, one thing seems certain. If we as individuals do not take more responsibility in addressing our own health care needs, we as a nation, will never succeed in improving the health care system. A major focus we all need to address…
NSU to Host Panel Discussion on BP Oil Spill, June 16
The BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has become the largest oil spill in U.S. History. This environmental catastrophe is polluting the Gulf Coast, killing wildlife, and ruining the commercial fishing and tourism industries in Louisiana and other Gulf Coast states. As the oil spill continues, many are…
Huizenga School to Host National Case Competition for High School Students, June 25-27
High school students from more than 23 cities from across the country will compete in the 9th annual Leaders of Tomorrow® Case Competition, to be held June 25-27 at the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship on NSU’s main campus. As part of the competition, high school students…
NSU Hosts South Florida Biotech Conference

The Carl DeSantis Building was the site of Enterprise Development Corporation’s 9th Annual Life Science Conference, hosted by NSU. This year’s conference, called Biotech 2010, focused on environmental and ecological biotechnology and the diverse research, development, and commercialization taking place throughout South Florida. Nearly 200 academics, entrepreneurs and business leaders gathered…