NSU Newsroom
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This version of SharkBytes has been archived as of February 28, 2019. To search through archived articles, visit nova.edu/search. To access the new version of SharkBytes, visit sharkbytes.nova.edu.
SharkBytes Archive
Enjoy Mediterranean Night at the Faculty Shark Club Open House, Sept. 29
Attention all NSU Professionals: On Sept. 29, the Faculty Shark Club will be hosting an Open House Day. Membership requirements will be waived so that all NSU professionals may come to see the club and explore the benefits of membership during Mediterranean Night. Join us for a festive evening of…
Fulbright Scholar at SHSS to Give Talk on UN Peacekeeping, Sept. 29
The Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) and the Department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution (DCAR) are host to Fulbright Scholar Georgina Chami, Ph.D., on Wednesday, Sept. 29 from 4:30-5:30 p.m. in room 2057 in the Maltz Building on NSU’s main campus. Chami will speak about, “United Nations’ Peacekeeping…
Melissa Manchester Opens Star-Studded Cabaret Series, Oct. 2

The 2010-11 Cabaret Series opens October 2 with Grammy-award winner Melissa Manchester performing at the Rose and Alfred Miniaci Performing Arts Center. Tickets are on sale: $20, $40, and $100 VIP (Includes VIP reception with artists) This season’s series will continue to feature Broadway and Grammy Award winning artists in spellbinding performances….
Come to Weight Watchers at Work Program Info Session, Sept. 30
The Weight Watchers at Work program is offering a free informational meeting on Sept. 30 at 12 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Alvin Sherman Library on the third floor in the employee break room. Feel free to bring your lunch and eat during the meeting. If you would like…
NSU Speaker’s Forum Hosted by Dr. Larry A. Calderon, Oct. 1

Carsten Evans, Ph.D., assistant dean for continuing education at NSU’s College of Pharmacy, will be the featured speaker at the NSU Speaker’s Forum on Oct. 1. He will talk about the recent changes that took place at the old Medicinal Garden – located in the heart of NSU’s main campus…
Annual Intramural Sports Golf Tournament, Oct. 2
The 21st Annual Intramural Golf Tournament will be held on Oct. 2 at 1 p.m. at the Pembroke Lakes Golf Club. The tournament is a two-person scramble format and teams may consist of two men, two women or one male and one female. The cost is $40 per student and…
SHSS to Host Talk on ‘Positive Peacemaking in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,’ Oct. 4
The African Peace and Conflict Network (APCN) and the Department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution (DCAR) in the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) will host a presentation entitled: “Positive Peacemaking in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,” as part of the events featured during the 23rd Residential…
SHSS to Host Talk on ‘When Human Rights Law Faces Terrorism and Counterterrorism,’ Oct. 2
The Social Justice Roundtable and the Department of Multidisciplinary Studies (DMS) in the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) will host a presentation and discussion entitled “When Human Rights Law Faces Terrorism and Counterterrorism,” as part of the events featured during the 23rd Residential Institute. Residential Institute is…
Identifying with Immigrants through American Literature, Oct. 4

Christine Jackson, Ph.D., professor in the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, will continue the college’s 2010–2011 Faculty Lecture Series with a talk titled, “The Inside Story: Exploring American Identity Through Novels of Immigration.” The presentation will take place on Oct. 4, from 12 – 1 p.m., in the Parker Building,…
Business School Hosts Reception for Board and Council Members

The H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship held its annual Board of Governors and Young Entrepreneurs Council meeting in the school’s new facility, the Grand Room in the Sales Institute on the third floor of the Carl DeSantis Building. Michael Fields, Ph.D., dean of the Huizenga Business School,…
Tri-Rail launches ‘Change Is Good’ campaign
Tri-Rail’s premier “Change Is Good” campaign encourages YOU the commuter, to “change” the way you get to work, and emphasizes the “change” you can save by riding Tri-Rail. Tri-Rail plans to introduce many exciting changes in the near future. Upcoming events include Connecting to South Florida’s major airports. For that…
FBI Special Agent to Speak at Huizenga Business School, Oct. 5

John V. Gillies, Special Agent in Charge (SAC) at the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Miami, will be the speaker at the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship’s Distinguished Lecture Series on Oct. 5 at 10:30 a.m. The lecture will be held in the Grand Room of the…
NSU Wellness Magazine is now available

The 2010 issue of Wellness Made Simple, NSU’s wellness magazine, is now available. All NSU faculty, staff, and administrators, will be receiving individual copies now and in the upcoming weeks. This issue of Wellness Made Simple explores healthy eating and the six dimensions of wellness: social, occupational, spiritual, physical, intellectual,…
Fall Working Paper Series Continues at Computer Sciences School
The fall 2010 Working Paper Series at NSU’s Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences (GSCIS) began last week when Professor Wei Li and doctoral student Barry Ahrens presented “Genetic Algorithm Improvement of Parameters for the Dynamic Directed Path TSP Algorithm.” The forum is held on every first and third…
Instructional Recreation Programs with Campus Recreation!
Campus Recreation’s instructional program offers a diverse series of opportunities for the members of the NSU community to challenge themselves to learn new skills in a variety of recreational areas. Many of the skills developed will be ones that will provide fun and enjoyment that will last for a lifetime. …
Academic Year Kicks Off with Convocation Ceremony

Award-winning author Edwidge Danticat, M.F.A., speaks to students at a dinner seminar following the 2010 Convocation ceremony. The Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences and members of NSU’s undergraduate community officially opened the academic year with the 2010 Convocation ceremony on Sep. 7. The event was highlighted by a keynote…
Huizenga Business School Hosts Reception for American Express CEO

The H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship hosted American Express CEO Ken Chenault and his South Florida management team at a VIP reception on Friday, Sept. 10. The reception was held in the Grand Room of the new, state-of-the-art Sales Institute, which is housed on the third floor…
SHSS Faculty and Student to Present Workshop on Equine Therapy

Shelley Green, Ph.D., faculty in the Department of Family Therapy (DFT) in the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS), and Olivia Schlapfer Colmer, M.S., doctoral student in the department, will be present a day-long workshop entitled: “Equine Assisted Family Therapy: Utilizing Horses in Brief, Systemic, Clinical Work.” The…
CPS Master’s Program Receives DOE Approval
The Center for Psychological Studies Master’s Program in School Counseling has received full program approval from the Florida Department of Education. The School Counseling program is designed for the continued professional development of persons who presently serve or are interested in serving youth and their families in an educational, Pre-K-12…
College of Pharmacy Launches New Ph.D. Program

NSU’s College of Pharmacy (COP) launched a new Ph.D. program in September that will focus on graduate study and research in drug development, determinants of drug use, and drug discovery. The program will take students between 4 and 5 1/2 years to complete and is the only one of its kind in…