Tag Archives: grant

FORT LAUDERDALE-DAVIE, Fla.- Nova Southeastern University (NSU) President and CEO George L. Hanbury II, Ph.D., recently announced that a NSU research team led by Mariana Morris, Ph.D., and Nancy Klimas, M.D., was selected by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) as one of two DoD Gulf War Illness Research Program…
Huizenga School Professor Speaks in Xi’an, China
During the week of June 4-12, 2013, H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship Professor Bahaudin G. Mujtaba was invited by the School of Management at the Xi’an Jiaotong University to conduct research with Han Ping and to speak on the following topics to master and doctoral students at…
Ismael Muvingi, Ph.D., faculty member at the Graduate School of Humanities & Social Sciences’ Department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution (DCAR), was a participant and provided workshops with survivors of political violence from the 2008 Zimbabwean elections. The survivors have formed a healing and reconstitution of society initiative called Tree…
Recipients Announced for President’s Faculty Research and Development Grant & Quality of Life Awards
The 14th Annual President’s Faculty Research and Development Grant (PFRDG) and 11th Annual Quality of Life Awards ceremony was recently held in the Don Taft University Center on NSU’s main campus. NSU President George Hanbury and Vice President for the Office of Research and Technology Transfer Gary Margules recognized 37 research projects…
2013 Undergraduate Commencement: Celebrating the Success of NSU’s Graduating Class
More than 900 NSU students crossed the stage at the 2013 Undergraduate Commencement ceremony on May 11 at the BB&T Center in Sunrise. Thousands of friends and family members, as well as more than 120 NSU faculty members, joined in celebrating the achievements of the graduating students from NSU’s Farquhar…
Business Professor Earns Public Administration Educator of the Year Award
The South Florida Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration has named Jack Pinkowski, Ph.D., associate professor of public administration in the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship, as their Public Administration Educator of the Year. The awards reception will take place on June 7, 2013, at…
Two Optometry Students Accepted to Elite Program
Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry students Jana Wegrzyn and Edgar Ekure were accepted into the 2013 Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry Future Faculty Program. The Future Faculty Program is designed to address the unique and important issues that graduate students face as they embark on a career…
NSU Undergraduate Students, Alumni Recognized at Spring Honors Banquet
The Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences hosted the annual Spring Honors Banquet on Apr. 19 at the Signature Grand in Davie, recognizing students in NSU’s Undergraduate Honors Program for their academic accomplishments and excellence. More than 400 people—including NSU alumni, administration, faculty, family members, and friends—joined the students in…
NSU SAAC Raises Over $5,500 for Make-A-Wish
Nova Southeastern University’s Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) raised the most funds in school history for their Division II national charity, Make-A-Wish Foundation. Through Shark Nights and many athletes’ participation, SAAC will be able to grant a child in need in Broward County one wish. SAAC’s main focus was to increase…
NSU and Embraer Aircraft Join Forces to Improve Human Factors in Aviation
NSU-Embraer Aircraft MOA Nova Southeastern University (NSU) and Fort Lauderdale-based Embraer Aircraft Holdings have partnered to strengthen the relationship between the manufacturer and academia, in their efforts to improve human factors research in aviation. Through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed earlier this year, the partnership will include a series…
Irish Dracula Play to Premiere on Campus with Dramatic Reading, April 13
The Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences will present a special dramatic reading of The Irish Dracula: A Melodrama in Five Acts, written by James Doan, Ph.D., professor at the college. Over the past month, NSU undergraduate students worked with Doan and Daniel Gelbmann, M.F.A., assistant professor at the college,…
NSU Law Alumni Named ‘Most Effective Lawyers 2012’ by Daily Business Review for the Second Time
Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broard Law Center alumni Peter Herman ‘82 and Alex Brown ’04 of the firm Tripp Scott were named “Most Effective Lawyers 2012” by the Daily Business Review for the Member Services v. Security Mutual Life Insurance case, which resulted in a jury decision of $26 million in…
Jacksonville SEC to Host Open House, March 23
Nova Southeastern University (NSU) will host an Open House on March 23 at its Jacksonville Student Educational Center (SEC). The Open House, which is free and open to the public, will provide information about the various health, education, business, and psychology programs that NSU Jacksonville offers, as well as host…
Brown Bag Grant Series continues, March 27
The 2013 Brown Bag Grant Series continues its 13-week series on Wednesday, March 27 with “Success with NIH Proposals.” The workshop runs noon – 1:15 p.m., in Room 2053, Alvin Sherman Library. Bring your lunch; light snacks are provided. Space is limited; RSVP at www.nova.edu/ogc/brownbag. The next workshop will be…
NSU to Host Open House at Ft Myers SEC, March 7
Nova Southeastern University (NSU) will host an Open House on March 7 at its Fort Myers Student Educational Center (SEC). The Open House, which is free and open to the public, will provide information about the various health, education, business and psychology programs NSU Fort Myers offers, as well as…
Dental School Receives $50,000 Grant to Aid Special-Needs Dental Patients
The College of Dental Medicine recently received a $50,000 grant from the Health Foundation of South Florida to hire an additional staff member to help with patients with special needs. The grant will pay for a full-time employee called “dental patient navigator,” who will assist dental patients at the NSU…