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Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communications
Nova Southeastern University
3301 College Avenue
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Staying Green
Have a Greener Holiday Season!
Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency The holiday season is a time for celebration and for getting together with family and friends. But we all know that, in the midst of all the celebrating, sometimes it’s hard to remember the impact the season can have on our natural resources. Here are…
7 Ways to Save Money and Go Green This Thanksgiving
Source: US News & World Report Here are seven money-saving tips for a green Thanksgiving. 1. Use a slow-cooker. Fall is the season for slow-simmered soups, so there’s no better time to bust out the Crock Pot. As an added bonus, the slow-cooker is one of the most energy-efficient devices…
Tips to have a green Halloween

Source: EarthShare Like many of our holidays, Halloween can be an expensive and wasteful experience. Don’t let the commercialism take all the fun or eco-friendly opportunities out of it! Check out our simple tips to make sure you don’t spook Mother Nature this October. Want more ideas? Visit our friends…
It’s all about what you know – Check out these Environmental Safety Articles
Source: Safety at home.com 100 Easy Ways to Live Greener Think you’re doing all you can to give the environment a break and make your home a little healthier for your family? Or do you want to go green but you’re not sure where to start? A Quick Primer on…
(Source: Natural Resources Defense Council NRDC) It takes nearly sixteen gallons of water to grow just one head of lettuce, 18.5 for an apple. Multiply those numbers by the abundance of fresh food growing in a typical backyard garden, and it’s easy to imagine why over 40 percent of freshwater…
Cleaning Up Our Land, Water and Air
Source: Environmental Protection Agency Accidents, spills, leaks, and past improper disposal and handling of hazardous materials and wastes have resulted in tens of thousands of sites across our country that have contaminated our land, water (groundwater and surface water), and air (indoor and outdoor). Some of the more common categories…
The Beauty of Green: a brief guide to green cosmetics
(Source: www. greenlivingideas.com) Cosmetics might be something you may not pay so much attention in the push towards greening your life. In fact, there are many of these products that are either made with extremely harmful processes or contain harmful additives or chemicals. The list includes: Phthalates Found mostly in…
Green Tips to Save Gas & Improve Mileage
Source: Environmental Protection Agency With the fluctuating price of gas continuing to challenge our budgets, saving gas and improving mileage is a necessity. Here are some great tips from the EPA. What can I do to save gas? Walk, bike, take a bus, or carpool when possible. Use your car…

There are constant innovations in the going green industry. Energy.gov has recently reported a new 10-watt LED light bulb that could potentially “save the nation about 35 terawatt-hours of electricity or $3.9 billion in one year.” In comparison to its widely used alternative, the 60-watt incandescent bulb, this new 10-watt…
Recycling Electronics – Do you know what is approved and what is not?
Source: Broward County (www.broward.org) Why recycle electronics? For one reason, it’s a free program for Broward County residents. And the other reason to recycle electronics is because it helps our environment. Just bring proof of residency such as a driver’s license, tax or utility bill. By using the program, you…
NSU to Host Chemical Free Cleaning Expo
Are you looking for ways to stay green AND keep a clean home? The mark your calendar for the Chemical Free Cleaning Expo on Sept. 21 in the Don Taft University Center on NSU’s main campus. The expo is sponsored by NSU and the Chemical Free Cleaning Network. This Chemical…
If you count how many times you go to your favorite grocer during the week, or how many times you visit a convenient or pharmacy store that could add up to approximately 200 plastic bags, a year, in our landfills. Reusable bags were first introduced to the United States in…
5 Ways to Restore Summer Skin and Hair Damage
They’re Green and Virtually Free! Check out these tips and get more by visiting www.planetgreen.discovery.com 1. Damage: Dry Hair During the summer season you’re more than likely going to have more beach and pool days. It’s a known fact that an increase of salt, chlorine, and sun damage can make…
Source: www.Treehugger.com Oh the joys of summer. Longer sunny days, endless bar-b-que invitations, and all the outdoor activities one can handle. But how can you make this summer greener than last year without jeopardizing your fun in the sun? Here are a few tips from treehugger.com that promise to make…
You can be Green at Home and in the Garden
Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency The best place to start making a difference is right in your own home. Learn how you can reduce, reuse, and recycle materials to decrease household waste! Here are some quick tips: Lawn & Garden Feed your soil with compost; make compost at home,…
Car Maintenance: Getting your auto in Tip-top Green Shape!
Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (www.epa.gov/) Not only do vehicles generate air pollutants that are harmful to the environment, but vehicle maintenance also creates wastes, including used oil, antifreeze, batteries, and old tires. Proper maintenance of your vehicle and proper waste disposal can help reduce the impact of vehicles on…
Water Saving Tips for the Indoors
Source: Florida Department of Environmental Protection Parts of Florida are currently experiencing drought conditions. Aside from following the guidelines of your Water Management district, here are several tips you use to save water in your home: Never pour water down the drain when there may be another use for it….
Run a more efficient refrigerator
Source: Yahoo! Green The refrigerator is one of the biggest and most power hungry fixtures in your home. It has to keep food cold or frozen, and it’s on 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Luckily, there are some ways to lower the impact of this power-hog. Follow…
With Earth Day still fresh in our memories, you may be feeling overwhelmed with lifestyle choices you can make to save the planet. Fortunately, some of the tips you’ve heardmay not be worth trying. Usually, their impact is too small, or there are better ways to accomplish the same goal….
You’ve felt the weather over the past few weeks haven’t you? There will be no more cold days in Florida for quite a while. Time to crank the A/C! However, it can be disheartening to watch your electric bill go up in the name of comfort. It’s a good thing…