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Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communications
Nova Southeastern University
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Staying Green
Summer Fun Planned? Be Aware of Ultraviolent Radiation
Source: US Environmental Protection Agency It’s critical to know the level of ultraviolet (UV) radiation before you plan outdoor activities. The UV Alert system issues a notification when the level of solar UV radiation is predicted to be unusually high, and consequently the risk of overexposure is greater. The UV…
Source: http://www.epa.gov Aluminum cans are lightweight, convenient, portable, and keep beverages cold. They are often used to package soda, beer, and other beverages, and account for nearly all of the beverage packaging market for some products. Just the Facts In 2010, the United States generated about 1.9 million tons of…
Source: http://recyclingfacts.org/ There are a number of ways you can reduce garbage. Remember, the less garbage, the less items that need to be recycled! Here is a list of some of the things you can do to reduce garbage: Use a reusable lunch bag or box; you won’t need to…
Recycling Statistics and Facts
Source: www.all-recycling-facts.com Recycling statistics on paper Forests are being cut and trees are being felled at an unimaginable rate of 100 acres per minute. All this to produce paper which is normally used and disposed without much thought. A plant takes a minimum of 15 to 20 years to grow…
Source: www.epa.gov Make it a full load! Run your dishwasher only when it’s full. Don’t pre-rinse dishes – tests show pre-rinsing doesn’t improve dishwasher cleaning, and you’ll save as much as 20 gallons of water per load. When you buy a new dishwasher, look for one that saves water. Water-efficient…
Facts about Going Green & Recycling
Source: www.ehow.com Facts about Going Green & Recycling 1. Separating Recyclable Items Some localities are going to single-stream recycling; that is, all recyclables are placed in one container. However, if you are still required to separate recyclables, or you just want to, separate them into these categories: Paper, which includes…
Source: pbs.org Even city-dwellers can learn to love nature with these earth-friendly ideas. 1. Become a nature watcher Spend some time with your child just sitting in your backyard or in a park observing the plants and animals around you. Talk about what you see. It can be fun to…
5 Tips to Help Protect our Earth
Source: www.all-recycling-facts.com Here are some tips to make your journey in protecting our earth a smoother one. Recycling tips 1: Start small To make a difference, you don’t have to start big. Remember, every effort counts, small or big. A small start is better than not at all, and it…
Interesting Facts about Going Green
Source: Livestrong.com You may think you’re a small fish in a big pond when it comes to doing your part to save the environment, but the truth is your efforts add up. Still, you may wonder if you could do more. Knowing a few interesting facts about going green may…
Going Green in 2013-Let’s make earth friendly contributions
Source: Euclidestech.com Green initiatives are included in many business plans for 2013 and beyond. For the field service industry, environmental programs can be a bit more challenging. Employees are often out of the office, communications can be difficult, and traditional business practices can be a challenge to change. But green…
Being Green in 2013: Tips for Going Green
Source: Environmental-watch.com Just like New Year’s resolutions such as quitting smoking, eating healthier, or losing weight take time, living a sustainable lifestyle does too. Going green requires becoming aware of your existent habits (do you have a habit of using plastic water bottles?). Going green also requires that you make…
E-cycling Electronic Gear You No Longer Use
Source: US Environmental Protection Agency Is your old TV serving as a coffee table while your retired computer is doubling as a plant stand? And with new technology introduced every day-more powerful computers, HDTVs, and combination wireless phone and internet, do you wonder just how many plant stands and coffee…
Save Energy and Resources This Holiday Season
Source: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Make “green” holiday choices when you are shopping, traveling, sending cards, decorating, and choosing gifts. When you save energy and resources, you protect the environment and safeguard health both now and for the future. The winter holidays are nearly here! Some of us…
Source: GoGreen.org The GoGreen lifestyle has hundreds of benefits for the environment, but how does it benefit the individual? What kinds of individual and family benefits are available from going green and how quickly will you begin to see those benefits? Those are the questions that GoGreen strives to answer…
Students – Let’s Go Green Shopping
Source: US Environmental Protection Agency Living green is not just for adults. Share this information with the students in your life and let them know, they can make a difference! Did You Know? Students can conserve resources, save energy, and prevent waste by buying products that: Are energy efficient Are…
Tips for Reducing Fall Home Maintenance and Halloween Holiday Waste

Source: US Environmental Protection Agency Compost is a rich, organic soil conditioner for your lawn and garden. Put raked leaves and other yard wastes in a compost bin and keep these materials out of landfills. Don’t forget to add any organic materials cleaned out of your gutters, too! Cool, dry…
Why to Go Green: By the Numbers
Source: Treehugger You’ve probably noticed that green is everywhere these days–in the news, politics, fashion, and even technology. You can hardly escape it on the Internet, and now with the Planet Green TV network, you can even enjoy eco-friendly entertainment 24 hours a day. That’s all great as far as…
Creating an Indoor Air Quality Home
Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Get a quick glimpse of some of the most important ways to protect the air in your home and creating an Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) house. Room-by-room, you’ll learn about the key pollutants and how to address them. Living Room A living room is usually…
Four Home Energy Inefficiencies You Can Remedy This Weekend for $100 or Less
Source: Green Living Ideas Turning a standard home into a pillar of energy efficiency is often thought to be an expensive and time-consuming process, but this doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, there are plenty of easy ways to “green” a home that are both cost-effective and able…
Filling up for Less: Gas Saving Tips
Source: Sierra Club Gas prices are through the roof and when you can avoid driving, it might be a good idea. However, if you must drive, here are some easy ways to make a difference for the planet and save money at the pump: Mind your maintenance. A well-tuned car…