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Nova Southeastern University
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Have a Greener Holiday Season!

Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The holiday season is a time for celebration and for getting together with family and friends. But we all know that, in the midst of all the celebrating, sometimes it’s hard to remember the impact the season can have on our natural resources. Here are some tips for conserving these resources while celebrating the joys of the season!

Energy consumption can be particularly high during the holidays. You can conserve energy (and save on your utility bills!) by lowering the temperature on your thermostat and wearing a sweater in your home; putting your lights on an electric timer and using a shovel instead of a fossil fuel powered snow-blower to remove the snow from your driveway. Take public transportation or carpool when possible. Both are a great way conserve fossil fuels, prevent carbon dioxide emissions and save money!

Buy smart! When you are purchasing gifts, consider those made of recycled content. Bring a bag to the store with you so you don’t have to take an unnecessary one. Use wrapping paper that is made of recycled paper and recycle it afterwards or consider even wrapping gifts with cloth, newsprint, or just use a bow. Newsprint may be considered tacky by some but you can customize the gift wrap for the recipient. Use the comics for children, the sports section for men and the style section for women. If the gifts you purchase need batteries, get the recipient rechargeable batteries and a charger.

Consider buying a live tree with roots so it can be planted after the holidays; otherwise, make sure you put your tree out for recycling. That holiday tree can make great mulch for the spring planting season. Send e-cards instead of paper ones or purchase recycled paper cards. Be sure to recycle the ones you receive, too. And, don’t forget to compost all those food scraps from your holiday dinners. Like your tree, they can help make beautiful spring flowers and plants.

Be sure to check the internet sites listed below for other suggestions on how you celebrate the holidays and “be green.” And…Happy Holidays from EPA!