NSU Newsroom
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NSU Achievements
College of Psychology Professor Participates in Jason Foundation Video Production

Scott Poland, Ed.D., a professor in the College of Psychology and the Co-Director of NSU’s Suicide and Violence Prevention Office, recently completed two film modules for the Jason Foundation. One module was on suicide and bullying and the second was on suicide and self-injury. The Jason Foundation (www.jasonfoundation.com), which is…
Halmos College Students and Faculty Participate in Statewide Microbiology Meeting

Recently two undergraduate students, two graduate students, a post-doctoral student and three professors/researchers from NSU’s Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography (HCNSO), participated in the Florida Branch of the America Society for Microbiology meeting. The meeting was held Oct. 9-11 in Cocoa Beach, Florida. This annual meeting gathers a smaller…
CAHSS Faculty Displays at Bienes Museum of the Modern Book and at Venues Across the U.S.

Tennille Davis Schuster, M.F.A., faculty in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) displayed two of her works at the Bienes Museum of the Modern Book as part of the 2015 Florida Artists’ Books Prize. This is a state-wide juried exhibition. Schuster’s works were titled, “Behind Closed Doors”…
Osteopathic Medical College Names Its Professor of the Year

Renee Alexis, M.D., M.P.H., associate professor and vice chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, received the 2014-15 NSU-COM Professor of the Year Award in October. The award is conferred upon a full-time faculty member who has served the university for at least 10 years, has achieved national and/or…
Dual Degree Student Chosen Representative for Law and Osteopathic Medicine Students

College of Osteopathic Medicine third year student, Saamia Shaikh, who is also a first-year student in the NSU Shepard Broad College of Law, was recently elected to the Student Bar Association Elections Committee. Shaikh will be representing both law and osteopathic medical students, as she also serves as the administrator…
CAHSS Faculty Publishes Chapter in Teaching Peace through Popular Culture

Kelly Concannon, Ph.D., faculty in the Department of Writing and Communication in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS), has published a chapter in the co-edited book, Teaching Peace through Popular Culture, (2015). Her chapter was titled “Peaceful Everyday Encounters: Literacy, Community Engagement, and First-Year Programs” Concannon’s teaching…
CAHSS Faculty, Student, and Alum Present at the Dispute Resolution Conference

Judith McKay, J.D., Ph.D., faculty and chair of the Department of Multidisciplinary Studies (DMS) in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) gave two presentations for mediators, arbitrators, other conflict resolution practitioners and scholars at the 23rd Dispute Resolution Center’s (DRC) Annual Conference. The conference was held during…
One in three children in the United States will be arrested by the time they are 23. Many will spend time locked in horrific detention centers, which defy everything that is known about how to rehabilitate young offenders. The Center for the Study of Youth Policy at NSU’s Shepard Broad…

Guenola Nonet, Ph.D., visiting professor and scholar in residence, at the H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship, recently presented at a research conference in Cairo, Egypt, on the topic of ‘Food Poverty and Food Waste Management.” Nonet’s presentation was focused on the food that U.S. and European citizens…
College of Psychology Hosts Reception for Undergraduate Students

NSU’s College of Psychology recently held a reception for faculty, staff and students in the Don Taft University Center. The event was the first formal opportunity for faculty members to meet undergraduate students in behavioral neuroscience and psychology. The college’s Dean, Karen Grosby, Ph.D., and Department Chair Glenn Scheyd, Ph.D., welcomed…
CAHSS Faculty Publishes in the Journal, Composition Studies

Molly Scanlon, Ph.D., faculty in the Department of Writing and Communication in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS), published an article and a review in the journal Composition Studies, (Spring 2015).The article, based on her dissertation findings, was titled The Work of Multimodal Composition: Comics Collaborations and…
CAHSS Faculty Member Invited Guest Speaker on PBS Show, “Haiti Journal”

David Kilroy, Ph..D., faculty in the Department of History and Political Science in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS), was a recent guest speaker on the PBS show Haiti Journal. The show focused on the 100th anniversary of the U.S. occupation of Haiti. Kilroy’s teaching and research…
CAHSS Faculty Appointed to FL Bar Committee on Student Education/Admissions to the Bar

Jessica Garcia-Brown, J.D., LL.M., faculty in the Department of Justice and Human Services in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS), has been appointed to the Florida Bar Student Education/Admissions to the Bar Committee. The appointment, which is a two-year term effective July 1, 2016, was made by the…
New Honors Students Earn Scholarship Award During First Week of Semester

Students from NSU’s Undergraduate Honors Program joined faculty, administration, and distinguished members of university leadership for the fall 2015 Honors Banquet on September 16. Hosted by the Farquhar Honors College, the annual event recognizes new Honors students for their early dedication to academic excellence and the promising collegiate careers ahead…
CAHSS Faculty named President of the International Writing Centers Association

Kevin Dvorak, Ph.D., faculty in the Department of Writing and Communication in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) is the President of the International Writing Centers Association (IWCA). The association fosters communication among writing centers including at national and regional conferences. He is the past president of…
CAHSS Student Publishes in NASA book, International Space Station—Benefits for Humanity

Kathleen Watkins-Richardson, M.B.A., a doctoral student in the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS), has co-authored a chapter in NASA’s new book International Space Station—Benefits for Humanity. Her chapter “The Economic Development of Space” covers topics such as water production in…
CAHSS Faculty Acts and Directs in Local and Regional Theatre

Mark Duncan, M.F.A., faculty and chair in the Department of Performing and Visual Arts (DPVA) in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) has been sharing his talents with audiences in South Florida and Ohio. Duncan directed Book of Liz at the Thinking Cap Theatre at the Vanguard…
Three Optometric Residents Awarded Allergan Travel Fellowship
Casey Hamm, O.D., Tamara Mendez Romero, O.D., and Leticia Rousso, O.D., three optometric residents from NSU’s College of Optometry (NSUCO), were awarded travel fellowship grants sponsored by Allergan Eye Care to attend the American Academy of Optometry (AAO) meeting in New Orleans on October 7-10, 2015. The Academy’s Residents Day…
CAHSS Faculty Named One of South Florida’s Top Black Educator’s

Ismael Muvingi, Ph.D., faculty in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) was nominated and selected by Legacy South Florida magazine as one of “South Florida’s Top Black Educators.” Legacy Magazine, established in 2004 through distribution partnerships with the Miami Herald, the Sun Sentinel, the Palm Beach Post and Orlando Sentinel has a…
NSU Senior VP Performs First Intelligent Silver™ Surgery in Eastern U.S.

On August 19, H. Thomas Temple, M.D., performed the first proximal femoral replacement with an advanced silver coating in the Eastern United States. The patient who is benefiting from this cutting edge procedure is a 55 year old female. The complex procedure involved replacing the patient’s femoral (thigh) bone, and…