NSU Newsroom
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SharkBytes Archive
NSU Speaker’s Forum Hosted by Dr. Larry A. Calderon, Apr. 15

Jason J. Campbell, Ph.D., assistant professor of conflict resolution and philosophy in the Department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution at NSU’s Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, will be the featured speaker at the NSU Speaker’s Forum on Apr. 15. He will discuss, “Analyzing genocide in the 21st Century.” Campbell…
Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 – Highlights for Consumers
Submitted by: Marilyn Gordon, Ed.D., RD, CSSD, LDN Registered Dietitian, Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics, Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist After much debate and delay, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 were released in January 2011. The message to the consumer was simplified into 3 selected areas: 1) Balancing calories Enjoy your food, but eat…
Apply now for Summer Entrepreneurship Camp for High School Students
The deadline is approaching to register for the Entrepreneurship Summer Camp and Personal Enrichment program (E.S.C.A.P.E.). E.S.C.A.P.E. , which is offered by the Huizenga Business School’s Hudson Center of Entrepreneurship and Executive Education, is open to highly motivated students who will be going into grades 10, 11 or 12 in…
Presidential Investiture Ceremony Set for Apr. 21

The Investiture of NSU’s 6th President, George L. Hanbury II, Ph.D., will take place on Thursday, April 21 in the Don Taft University Center Arena, followed by a reception for all attendees on the RecPlex courts. If you have not sent your RSVP, we encourage all NSU students, faculty and…
Third year law student awarded Wilkie D. Ferguson, Jr. Bar Association Foundation Scholarship

Nikeisha Williams, third year student at the Shepard Broad Law Center, has been awarded the Wilkie D. Ferguson, Jr. Bar Association Foundation Scholarship. The Wilkie D. Ferguson Bar Association’s mission is to advocate for the inclusion of people of color in every aspect of the legal profession; to increase enrollment, retention,…
New Text Book: The Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Environment of Business in a Diverse Society

Shepard Broad Law Center Associate Professor and Associate Dean linda f. harrison co-authored a text book with Professor Dawn Bennett-Alexander (University of Georgia) titled, “The Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Environment of Business in a Diverse Society” (McGraw-Hill – ISBN: 0073524921). Unlike other business law and legal environment texts, this text focuses…
CPS Assistant Professor Presents during Florida School Counselor Association Annual Conference
Center for Psychological Studies assistant professor Carolyn Berger, Ph.D., recently gave a 90-minute presentation, Implementing the ASCA Model at an FCAT-Focused School, at the Florida School Counselor Association Annual Conference.
Law Students take Third Place at the 2011 Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition

Shepard Broad Law Center second year students Molena Mompoint, Kandia Batchelor and Harold Pryor, and third year student Nikeisha Williams won third place at the 2011 Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition for the Southeast Region of the National Black Law Students Association. They also took third at national. Each year,…
CPS Faculty Member Co-Authors Article for Professional Journal
Shannon Ray, Ph.D., assistant professor at the Center for Psychological Studies, has co-authored an article entitled, “Starving for Support: How Women with Anorexia Receive ‘Thinspiration’ on the Internet.” The article has been published in the Journal of Creativity in Mental Health.
CPS Well Represented at Florida Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention
More than 20 doctoral and specialist students from the Center for Psychological Studies gave presentations at the recent Florida Association of School Psychologists (FASP) annual convention. The students’ work represented more than two-thirds of the convention’s presentations and posters.
Virtual Adoption: The Inequities of the Equitable Doctrine

Shepard Broad Law Center second year law student Jaime Weisser will have her article, “Virtual Adoption: The Inequities of the Equitable Doctrine” published in the March issue of the Nova Law Review. The article studies the doctrine of Equitable Adoption beginning with the application in Probate Courts in the early 1900s….
Pharmacy Professor Receives mHealth Grant

The McKesson Foundation recently announced that six researchers have received a total of $1.3 million in research grants as part of its Mobilizing for Health initiative to improve the health of underserved populations with chronic diseases through the use of mobile-phone technology. The first cycle of Mobilizing for Health grant…
Two’s Company, But is It a Quorum?

Shepard Broad Law Professor John Sanchez’s article, “Two’s Company, But is It a Quorum,” has been published in Florida International University’s (FIU) Law Review Spring 2010 Symposium Issue: “Whither the Board? The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) at 75” Volume 5, No.2. The article addresses the legal issues arising from…
Law Student Wins Second Place in Mock Trial

Paul Edwards, a second-year student at the Shepard Broad Law Center, recently won second place at the 5th Annual Mock Madness 2011 Closing Argument Competition, hosted by the Nova Trial Association. Sixty-four students from NSU, University of Miami and St. Thomas competed. Four Shepard Broad Law Center students advanced to the…
SHSS Faculty Publishes Book on Land Rights in Paraguay

Cheryl Duckworth, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution (DCAR) in the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) has authored a book entitled, “Land and Dignity in Paraguay.” Based on her dissertation study the book examines how the indigenous communities in Paraguay are mobilizing…
Faculty Member at CPS Co-Authors Article for Journal of Career Assessment
Kevin Glavin, Ph.D., assistant professor at the Center for Psychological Studies, has co-authored, “The Career Callaboratory,” which appeared in the Journal of Career Assessment.
Computer Sciences School Doctoral Student Awarded Google Grant for Service Project
Nathan White, a doctoral student in information systems at NSU’s Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences, recently received a Google grant to complete a computer science workshop for high school teachers. White is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at McKendree University in Illinois, and this past fall established…
SuperKids! Tutorial Program for Children in Grades K-5
NSU’s Mailman Segal Center is offering SuperKids! – an innovative, afterschool program for children in grades K-5 that uses an individualized, hands-on approach for improving reading, writing, and math skills. Students are provided with tailor-made programs to suit their individual needs based on an assessment which is included at NO EXTRA…
CPS Faculty Member Receives Award From National Association of School Psychologists

Ralph “Gene” Cash, Ph.D. Center for Psychological Studies associate professor Ralph “Gene” Cash, Ph.D., was the recipient of National Association of School Psychologists’ Government and Professional Relations (GPR) Certificate of Appreciation Award. This award was given for his efforts to improve the educational outcomes of youth and to advocate for mental…