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SharkBytes Archive
Intramural Sports 8-Ball Billiards Tournament Begins Apr. 25

Men’s, women’s and co-recreational teams are welcome to compete in the 8-Ball Billiards Tournament scheduled for Apr. 25 at the Flight Deck. See flyer for details…

Seven undergraduate students from the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences have been inducted into the Beta chapter of Rho Rho Rho (PPP) at NSU. The marine science national honor society was founded at the University of Miami in 1990, and its Beta chapter was established at NSU in September…
SHSS Student is Public Policy Fellow at the University of Texas at Austin
Larry Schooler, a student in the M.S. program in the Department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution (DCAR) in the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) was selected as a Public Policy Fellow at the Center for Public Policy Dispute Resolution in the School of Law at the University…
Law Student asks: Is Miranda on the Verge of Extinction?

Illan Moshe-Romano Shepard Broad Law Center’s third-year student, Illan Moshe-Romano, wrote an article entitled, “Is Miranda on the Verge of Extinction? The Supreme Court Loosens Miranda’s Grip in Favor of Law Enforcement,” which will be published in the March issue of the Nova Law Review. The article contains a detailed…
CPS Faculty Member Presents at National Conference

Shannon Ray, Ph.D. ,assistant professor at the Center for Psychological Studies, presented Addressing the varying spiritual needs of clients in chronic pain, at the Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling biannual national conference that recently took place in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Law Students Compete in the 2011 Student Trial Advocacy Competition

Second year law students Andrew Dunkiel and Patricia Johnson, and third year students Bennett Lessman and Lauren Schlossberg recently competed in the 2011 American Association for Justice (AAJ) Student Trial Advocacy Competition in Birmingham, AL. The team of Lessman and Schlossberg advanced to the semi-final round. The competition is an exceptional opportunity…
Huizenga School’s Real Estate Development Program Gets Media Attention

The H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship’s Master of Science in Real Estate Development program was spotlighted in a recent article published in Miami Today News. The article discussed the recent revamp of the program, which launched more than five years ago as an M.B.A. with a concentration…
Faculty Presentation to Explore Fractional Calculus, Mar. 30
As part of the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences Mathematics Colloquium Series, Abdelkerim Bourouihiya, Ph.D., assistant professor in the college, will present a talk titled “Fractional Calculus.” The event will take place on Mar. 30 from 12 – 1 p.m., in the Mailman-Hollywood Building, room 310. Fractional calculus is…
SHSS Faculty Publishes Article on Peace in the Niger Delta

Mark Davidheiser, Ph.D., faculty in the Department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution (DCAR) in the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) has written an article, “Demobilization or Remobilization? The Amnesty Program and the Search for Peace in the Niger Delta,” published in the journal African Security. The article…
NSU Alumni enjoy a night with the Tampa Bay Lightning

On Mar. 11, NSU’s Tampa Alumni Chapter hosted a sold-out crowd of alumni and friends at the St. Pete Times Forum. Alumni Night at the Tampa Bay Lightning featured a private terrace party as well as tickets to watch the Lightning take on the Ottawa Senators. Alumni and friends were…
CPS Alum Presents at National Conference
Center for Psychological Studies Alumna, Belinda Thomas, (M.S. 2011), presented Spiritual Coping: Implications and strategies for working with individuals from Trinidad at the recent Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling Biannual National Conference.
NSU Cheerleaders to Read to Kids on Mar. 30
NSU’s Softball Team was recently a hit with the kids during Miss Meagan’s Storytime Fun at the Alvin Sherman Library. Not to be outdone, the NSU Cheerleaders will be the special guests for Storytime on Mar. 30 in honor of Women’s History Month. Miss Meagan’s Storytime Fun, a free event…
NSU Speaker’s Forum Hosted by Dr. Larry A. Calderon, Apr. 1

David S. Loshin, O.D., Ph.D., dean of NSU’s College of Optometry and Linda S. Rouse, O.D., COO of NSU’s The Eye Care Institute, will be the featured speakers at the NSU Speaker’s Forum on Apr. 1. They will talk about NSU and the nonprofit, Kids In Distress, opening an optometry…
Oceanographic Center Professor Launches New TV Series about Nature, Mar. 30

Please tune into WRLN-TV (Channel 17) on Mar. 30 to view two pilot episodes of Messing with Nature, a half-hour television series that will redefine nature/wildlife programming that was created by NSU Oceanographic Center professor Charles Messing, Ph.D. Imagine Alton Brown (Good Eats) hosting Planet Earth with a bit of…
Business School Professors Present Research at Management Conference
Two professors from NSU’s H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship — Randi L. Sims, Ph.D., professor of Management and Cynthia P. Ruppel, Ph.D., associate professor of Information Technology — teamed up with Peter Zeidler, director of advanced business analytics at TeleTech, to present their research at the Southwest…
Get Your MBA on Main Campus, Evening Classes Now Enrolling

The H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship announces a new evening format starting in the April 2011 term. Two M.B.A. classes will be offered on the main campus on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6 to 9 p.m. Now, you have the flexibility of taking classes that work…
CPS Hosts Workshop Highlighting Autism Research
The Center for Psychological Studies recently hosted a continuing education workshop entitled The Changing Face of Autism: New data, New Ideas and the ASRS, presented by Sam Goldstein, Ph.D. Goldstein, who is the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Attention Disorders and contributing editor to Attention Magazine, holds a clinical instructor…
‘Meet and Greet’ With Jamaican Ambassador to U.S., Apr. 12

Audrey Marks, an M.B.A. graduate of NSU’s Huizenga Business School and Jamaica’s tenth Ambassador to the United States, will speak on Apr. 12 on NSU’s main campus. Ambassador Marks will give a special lecture to all NSU students from 1 – 2 p.m. in the Carl DeSantis Building. She will…