NSU Newsroom
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News and Upcoming Events
Brown Bag Grant Series continues, March 27
The 2013 Brown Bag Grant Series continues its 13-week series on Wednesday, March 27 with “Success with NIH Proposals.” The workshop runs noon – 1:15 p.m., in Room 2053, Alvin Sherman Library. Bring your lunch; light snacks are provided. Space is limited; RSVP at www.nova.edu/ogc/brownbag. The next workshop will be…
Don’t Miss Dance Concert at NSU, April 5 and 6
The Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences will conclude the 2012–2013 Premier Series with Dance Concert, an annual production featuring performances by the NSU Dance ensemble and choreography by college faculty and guest artists. Dance Concert | Premier Series Apr. 5–6 7:30 p.m. Performance Theatre | Don Taft University Center…
Learn Something New About Fractional Calculus at Math Colloquium Talk, March 12
All are welcome to attend a free talk introducing the subject of fractional calculus. The event is part of the Mathematics Colloquium Series, hosted by the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences. “Fractional Calculus and Smallest Eigenvalues” Mathematics Colloquium Series | Jeffrey T. Neugebauer, Ph.D. (Eastern Kentucky University) Tuesday, Mar….
Get ready for NSU’s Spring Open House,
NSU is pleased to host the Spring Open House on Saturday, March 28, 9 am – 2 pm in the Don Taft University Center. Attendees can learn about our 135 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, speak with admissions counselors, financial aid advisers, faculty members and students. They will also have…
Night Road Closure – College Avenue and S.W. 30th Street
The Town of Davie has advised us that through Sunday, March 10, the following construction schedule will impact traffic. The schedule is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances and/or weather conditions. S.W. 30th Street from College Avenue to University Drive Construction is continuing on SW 30th Street from College…
Discuss Life, Death of Zygotes at Faculty Lecture Series Talk, March 28
The answer to “When does life begin?” is often debated. But, what about the moment when the dying process begins? Join the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences for a Faculty Lecture Series discussion about the life and death of zygotes. “From the Womb to the Tomb: Zygotic Development and…
First African-American Woman to Earn a Harvard M.B.A. Speaks at the Huizenga Business School
A standing room-only crowd greeted entrepreneur Lillian Lincoln Lambert, the first African-American woman to earn a Harvard M.B.A., as she arrived at the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship to speak about her road from the farm to self-made businesswoman. Lambert founded the building services company, Centennial One,…
Science of Sleeping, Dreaming Uncovered at Upcoming Faculty Lecture, March 21
We spend about a third of our lives asleep and require sleep to stay alive. But, what goes on while we sleep and dream? Find out at the next Faculty Lecture Series talk, hosted by the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences. “The Nights of Our Lives: Why We Sleep…
Forensic Anthropologist, Bestselling Novelist Kathy Reichs Speaks at NSU
More than 500 students, faculty, staff members, and guests gathered at NSU on Feb. 6 to hear from Kathy Reichs, Ph.D., a forensic anthropologist, bestselling author, and executive producer of the television series Bones. Titled “Forensic Anthropology: From Crime Lab to Crime Fiction,” the talk was part of the Farquhar…
There’s Lots to Learn from Stars—See How Much at Next Mathematics Colloquium Talk, Feb. 19
Massive stars will take center stage in the next Mathematics Colloquium Series talk, hosted by the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences. “What Can We Learn About Particle Physics from Massive Stars?” Mathematics Colloquium Series | Maurizio Giannotti, Ph.D. (Barry University) Tuesday, Feb. 19 Noon–1:00 p.m. Carl DeSantis Building |…
Talk to Dive into Topic of Marine-Fisheries Sustainability, Feb. 19
The semester’s second talk in the Climate-Sustainability Lecture Series, hosted by the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, will look at plausible ways of managing marine fisheries to better serve both the environment and consumers. “Is ‘All or Nothing’ Really the Only Alternative for Marine-Fisheries Sustainability?” Climate-Sustainability Lecture Series David…
Shuttle Service Available to attend Team 2020 Celebration – Reserve your spot!
It’s time to register! The Team 2020 Celebration will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 12 and we will help get you there – by Shark Shuttle, of course! If you are not driving directly to the event and need return transportation between your location and the Arena, please register now….
Talk About Stress at Next Psychology Graduate Research Series Event, Feb. 13
The next talk in the Psychology Graduate Research Series, co-hosted by the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences and NSU’s Center for Psychological Studies (CPS), will feature presentations on research conducted by two students in the college’s M.S. in Experimental Psychology program. Psychology Graduate Research Series Presentations by Brittney Tamayo…
Sign up for remaining President’s Town Hall Meetings, Feb. 8
If you haven’t already done so, please sign up for one of the remaining President’s Town Hall meetings. The next one is Friday, Feb. 8! If you are located at one of the Student Education Centers, you do NOT need to RSVP;but you can submit a question in advance. To…
Celebrate Black History Month with Dance Master Classes, Thurgood Marshall Talk
Each February, the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences commemorates Black History Month, celebrating the contributions of African Americans in United States history. The college invites the NSU community to participate in the following events that will explore the culture, music, and people of black history in the United States…
Let Your Voice Shine—Join the Bossa Nova Chorale! Deadline is Jan. 17
If you like to sing and want to meet new people who share your passion, the Bossa Nova Chorale is looking for you! The Bossa Nova Chorale is the premier vocal ensemble of the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences Division of Performing and Visual Arts. It’s composed of talented,…
Guy Harvey and Four Others to Receive President’s Award for Excellence in Community Service
Nova Southeastern University (NSU) will award world-renowned artist, scientist and researcher Guy Harvey, Ph.D., with one of NSU’s newest awards, the President’s Award for Excellence in Community Service. President George L. Hanbury II, Ph.D., will bestow the award upon Harvey and four others at the university’s annual Celebration of Excellence…
Business School Distinguished Lecture Series welcomes New York Times Best-selling Author, Jan. 29
The H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship invites you to the next installment of the Distinguished Lecture Series, “Sell or Be Sold,” featuring Grant Cardone. Cardone is a New York Times best-selling author, star and executive producer of the reality TV show Turnaround King, host of the Cardone…
First Faculty Lecture of Semester to Provide “State of the Climate” Briefing, Jan. 17
The Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences will open its Faculty Lecture Series for the winter 2013 semester with a look at the Earth’s climate in the past and present, as well as a discussion about its possible future. “State of the Climate: A Brief Introduction” Faculty Lecture Series |…
Next Graduate Psychology Talk to Discuss Neurological Processing Speeds, Jan. 9
The first presentation in the winter 2013 Psychology Graduate Research Series, co-hosted by the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences and NSU’s Center for Psychological Studies (CPS), will discuss ongoing research concerning variations in humans’ neurological processing speeds. “Processing-Speed Variation as Assessed by the Trail-Making Task and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales”…