NSU Newsroom
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SharkBytes Archive
NSU Pharmacy Student Wins Publix Escape to Miami Triathlon

Isabel Olivas, a student in NSU’s College of Pharmacy, ran in the Publix Escape to Miami Triathlon in September. Olivas, 28, runs in triathlons for fun, it has been a hobby for her, and is one in which she has proved to be successful. For the past four years Olivas…
College of Dental Medicine Students Run for Breast Cancer Awareness

The College of Dental Medicine Student Chapter of the American Association of Women Dentists (AAWD) participated in the recent Susan G. Komen 5K Walk for breast cancer in Miami this October and raised $450 to support breast cancer research. The team included Sharon Siegel D.D.S., M.S., professor and chair of…
Pharmacy Professor receives Leadership and Service Award

The NSU College of Pharmacy extends congratulations to Barry A. Bleidt, Ph.D., Pharm.D., R.Ph., professor, sociobehavioral & administrative pharmacy. Bleidt was the recipient of the Nigerian Association of Pharmacists and Pharmaceutical Scientists in the Americas (NAPPSA) Leadership & Service Award during the organization’s Annual Scientific Conference & Exposition recently held…
SHSS and the SHSS SGA to Host Presentation: “Fighting Human Trafficking”, Nov. 21

The Student Government Association (SGA) at NSU’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) are hosting a presentation by Roza Pati, J.D., LL.M., Dr. jur., entitled, “Fighting Human Trafficking.” The event is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the Alvin Sherman Library Art Gallery. The SHSS SGA…
NSU Chancellor to be Recognized as Distinguished Citizen by Boy Scouts of America
The South Florida Council, Boy Scouts of America, will recognize NSU Chancellor Ray Ferrero, Jr., as one of the 2013 Distinguished Citizens on Thursday, Dec. 5. The event, which will be held at the Signature Grand, will begin at 6:00 pm with a silent auction and reception, followed by the…
Renowned Genomic Researcher J. Craig Venter to Speak at NSU, Nov. 13

The Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences will welcome pioneering scientific researcher J. Craig Venter, Ph.D., to campus as part of the Distinguished Speakers Series. “Life at the Speed of Light” J. Craig Venter, Ph.D. | Distinguished Speakers Series Wednesday, Nov. 13 7:00 p.m. Miniaci Performing Arts Center Well-known for…
Dance Awareness Day Returns to NSU, Nov. 4

Get ready to move at the second annual Dance Awareness Day. All NSU students, faculty, and staff members are invited to join the community for a free day of dance, hosted by the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences. Attend college-level classes, meet with faculty members, and learn about professional…
Muscle Milk BOGO Promotion at Outtakes, Nov. 14

Shark Dining has teamed up with our friends at Muscle Milk to host a special BOGO promo! On Thursday, Nov. 14 between 11:30am & 2:00 pm stop by the Muscle Milk booth outside the Outtakes C-Store in the Don Taft University Center to take advantage of this incredible offer. That’s…
NSU’s Model United Nations Team Wins Two Awards at State Conference

NSU’s Model United Nations Team delivered a model performance at the Eighth Annual Florida Model United Nations Conference in Gainesville, Oct. 11–12. Political science majors Vanessa Duboulay (freshman) and Rehan Sherali (junior) each earned Honorable Delegation awards for their portrayal of Nicaragua in the General Assembly and Economic and Social…
Join Us for the Next NSU Diversity Dialogue, Nov. 5
Date Time Location Facilitator Topic November 5, 2013 Noon- 1:30 p.m. President’s Dining Room Horvitz Administration Building Ismael Muvingi, PhD, Associate Professor, Conflict Resolution & African Studies Department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution “Over here and Over there, the growing normalization of diasporas’ double consciousness.”

Students from NSU’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) participated in the Florida Conference for the Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, (NASPA), NASPA Florida Drive-In held at the University of Central Florida. When all was said and done, SHSS students received top honors at the conference. Two NSU…
SHSS Faculty Presents Pre-Conference Workshop at AAMFT Conference in Portand

Douglas Flemons, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Family Therapy (DFT) in NSU’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS), presented a five-hour pre-conference institute at the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Conference in Portland, Oregon. His presentation was entitled, “Relational Suicide Assessment: Risk, Resources, Safety.” Approach…
University School Swimming and Diving Wins District Championship

The University School Swimming and Diving team had an outstanding performance at the District Championship meet. The girls placed 4th and the boys finished 1st securing the team’s first Swimming and Diving District Championship win in school history. Individual event winners included Jordy Groters and Emily Kopas. Krissa Robinson, Nicolas…
Shepard Broad Law Center Student Wins the National Law Review Student Legal Writing Contest
Anastasia White, a second year student at NSU’s Shepard Broad Law Center, was the fall 2013 winner of the National Law Review Student Legal Writing contest for her article, Registered Provisional Immigrant Status: The Road to Citizenship Under Border Security, Economic Opportunity, Immigration Modernization Act (S. 744). White was born…
University School Dance Teacher Recognized for Excellence in Arts Education

Toranika Washington, University School dance teacher, is among the twelve finalists who have been selected for the 2013 Broward County Arts Teacher of the Year. Finalists have been chosen from throughout Broward County’s public, private and charter schools in each of four categories (dance, theater, music and visual arts) for…
NSU to Recognize Distinguished Alumni, Nov. 14
NSU will salute 16 outstanding graduates at the Distinguished Alumni Achievement Awards reception on Thursday, Nov. 14 at the Grande Oakes Golf Club from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. The Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award is the highest and most prestigious honor that NSU bestows upon its graduates. The program recognizes alumni…
Free Emotional Intelligence Workshop, Dec. 10
The Office of Human Resources will host a Free Emotional Intelligence Workshop on Tuesday, Dec 10 from 9:00- a.m. to 4:30 p.m in the Carl DeSantis Building, Sales Institute, Room 3000. “Emotional Intelligence, Influencing, and Conflict Management” will be facilitated by Professor Neil Katz. Lunch will be provided. This workshop…
Rough Waters: Talk to Discuss Serious Threat of Somali Pirates—Nov. 21

Well before the documented kidnapping of Captain Phillips, Somali pirates patrolled the high seas in search of paydays. Although maritime piracy has decreased over the past year, the waters aren’t entirely clear. Find out what the future may hold for pirates during a discussion hosted by the Farquhar College of…
NSU’s Emergency Preparedness & Response Training Sessions, Last Day Offered Oct. 31
NSU is committed to the health and well-being of our students, faculty, staff, and guests to our campuses. As part of this continuing commitment, the university has enhanced our campus crisis/emergency response plan, including new Emergency Preparedness and Response Training for the entire NSU family. For your safety, we have…