Tag Archives: Miniaci
Entrepreneurs’ Council Members Participate in Graduate Business Student Association Lecture Event
The Entrepreneurs’ Council of the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship recently joined the Graduate Business Student Association at Daymond John: Lessons from an Entrepreneurial Icon on April 22, 2013. Council members attended a pre-reception held in the Huizenga Business School’s Sales Institute where they networked with students,…
Ars Flores Concert to Showcase Six Young Musicians, April 20

In partnership with the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, the Ars Flores Symphony Orchestra will present its annual concert of talented, young artists who earned the prestigious opportunity to perform alongside the orchestra. The concert concludes another successful Ars Flores season. Young-Artists Competition Winners’ Concert | Ars Flores Symphony…
An Evening with Rip Esselstyn, Feb. 28
Thursday, February 28 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Rose and Miniaci Performing Art Center, NSU Main Campus WholeFoods Market and Nova Southeastern University are proud to host author Rip Esselstyn of the New York Times best-selling book, the Engine 2 Diet. Join us for this wonderful opportunity which will include snacks…
Undergraduate College Preview Days Draws Record Number of Students
NSU’s Enrollment and Student Services (ESS) Office of Undergraduate Admissions recently hosted College Preview Day and welcomed more than 425 attendees. NSU President George L. Hanbury II, Ph.D., kicked off the day by welcoming the visitors, who then met with faculty and staff, attended admissions presentations and toured the campus….
Experience Symphonic Fiesta—A Concert of Latin Music, Dance by Ars Flores, Feb. 23

In partnership with the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, the Ars Flores Symphony Orchestra will present a concert of Latin-American music, featuring performances by singers and dancers from Miami’s Sociedad Pro-Arte Grateli. Symphonic Fiesta | Ars Flores Symphony Orchestra Saturday, Feb. 23 7:30 p.m. | Pre-concert lecture at 6:30…
Get Your Free “Recess Monkey” Concert Tickets Now! Show is Sept. 1

In celebration of National Library Card Sign-up Month, NSU’s Alvin Sherman Library will host a FREE family-friendly concert featuring Recess Monkey, an acclaimed children’s indie music band from Seattle, on Saturday, Sept. 1. Recess Monkey received rave reviews in Time Magazine, from NPR, and in many other national publications. The…
Energy & Auto Industry Executives Unveil 2013 Prius and Speak to Full House at NSU

Speaking to a standing-room-only group that included members of the NSU community and business leaders, several South Florida energy and automobile executives addressed the rising need for new and better energy policies and increased investment in clean technologies. The event, Energy and Autos, was held on Friday, Feb. 10 in…
Psychologist Elizabeth Loftus is Next Distinguished Speaker, Feb. 9

Just how reliable is the human memory? That’s a question noted psychologist Elizabeth Loftus, Ph.D., has studied for the past 30 years. On Thursday, Feb. 9, the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences will welcome Loftus to NSU as part of its Distinguished Speakers Series. Loftus will present a talk…
Ars Flores Symphony Orchestra to Present Night of Movie Music, Nov. 12

In partnership with the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, the Ars Flores Symphony Orchestra will open its 12th season with A Night at the Movies! on Nov. 12. The concert will begin at 7:30 p.m., in the Miniaci Performing Arts Center. There will also be a pre-concert lecture at…