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Nova Southeastern University
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Make a November Nutrition Plan

Submitted by Marilyn Gordon EdD RD CSSD LDN

Registered Dietitian/Licensed Nutritionist


Most likely you are reading this article after the Halloween Trick-o-Treat. After you finish reading; check your office, desk, dorm, and home for any leftover treats. It is time to make a clean sweep and get rid of the goodies. Why wait until the New Year to establish healthier eating habits when you have time (approximately 4 weeks) to create a “balance” in your eating and activity habits prior to Thanksgiving?

Any task is easier if it is broken down into smaller steps so let’s divide the month of November into 4 weeks:

  •   Week 1: Clean up your food environment at home, at work, and in your dorm room. Go through your refrigerator, freezer and pantry and discard any candy, cookies, or cupcakes. Drink primarily water and go for a daily walk.


  •  Week 2: Go to the grocery or farmers market and stock up on the various fruits and vegetables that you intend to eat this week. If nutritious foods are available and convenient, you are more likely to eat them. Continue to drink water and try a “Green” drink made with kale, spinach, and other fruits and vegetables. It can be fun to mix and match various combinations. Look for ways to be more active at work. Is there a stairway nearby?


  •  Week 3: Your food environment is clean and you have healthy produce available; now is a good time to begin keeping a food journal. When people keep a food journal, they make better food choices and they also quickly become aware when they are falling off track. It is an eye opener to have measuring cups and spoons available and use them to quantify food intake. Continue your healthy eating pattern and try a new recipe. There are plenty of free, healthy recipes online. Go visit the RecPlex at the University Center; take a group exercise class.


  • Week 4: The Thanksgiving holiday falls into this week so as you plan for the feast, remember to incorporate colorful fruits and vegetables into your menu. On Thursday, get up early and go for a walk prior to meal preparations. If you wait, it will not happen. Set an intention to eat until satisfied but not uncomfortably full. Take a leisurely stroll after your meal.

Higher calorie intake on just one day does not lead to weight gain. Higher calorie intake from Halloween until the New Year can lead to unwanted weight gain. Set your goal and make your plan now!