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Huizenga School Undergrads Complete Internships

Marketing students L to R: Samantha High, Nathalie Hernandez, Maryori Perez. Standing: Art Weinstein, Ph.D., chair of marketing department, Carla Withrow, Internship Course Administrator.
According to a recent article in the Chronicle of Higher Education, internships are the #1 experience that employers are looking for in their entry level candidates. NSU students are actualizing this on campus, and in corporations throughout South Florida.
Are you or your students interested in finding an internship? NSU’s Office of Career Development can assist with internship preparation (resume, cover letter, and interviewing skills) and internship search strategies. Students can make an appointment at (954) 262-7201. Also, internships that are posted exclusively to NSU can be found on CAREERShark at www.nova.edu/careershark.
Below are several internship success stories from students in the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship:
Samantha High, NSU Athletics
“Prior to starting this internship, I had absolutely no hands-on experience with marketing, knowing only the information I learned from my courses. The first day I was a bit nervous because I had never had a job with this level of responsibility. I was quickly introduced to the fast pace of the office and how crucial it is to be on top of all aspects for every NSU Varsity sporting event scheduled for the upcoming week. I wanted to find a profession that gives me butterflies in my stomach the same as I get when I play volleyball, and it is clear to me that sports marketing is it.”
Nathalie Hernandez, Bloomingdale’s
“I assisted in the creation of many different events. This process began by pitching ideas to brand names for help with the funding. Then we found a charity partner to help bring more customers to the event. Next came the logistics for the event, including finding entertainment and renting the necessary furniture or staging. I believe interning for Bloomingdale’s will help me post-graduation because of all the connections I have made in the fashion industry and the great feedback I have received from my mentors. I must admit that I am excited for what the future holds.”
Maryori Perez, Starboard Cruise Services
“What I liked most about being in Merchandising & Planning is that I could apply both finance and marketing. I was also able to expand my cultural awareness of doing business in Asia.”
Also, for Winter Term 2013, Nicolas Rodriguez and Alixandria Tucci held finance internships in Merrill Lynch offices.
For more information, go to www.nova.edu/career or www.nova.edu/business.