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Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences Recognizes Honors Students with Spring Banquet

Benedict Choi, president of NSU’s Honors Student Association, addresses attendees of the Spring Honors Banquet on Apr. 23, at the Signature Grand.
The Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences held its Spring Honors Banquet on Apr. 23, at the Signature Grand, recognizing NSU’s Undergraduate Honors Program students for their academic achievements and excellence. About 200 people—including students, alumni, family members, friends, and NSU faculty members and administration—attended the event.
Don Rosenblum, Ph.D., dean of the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, opened the dinner and reception ceremony by welcoming the Honors students and their guests. George L. Hanbury II, Ph.D., university president and COO, also addressed those in attendance. Following dinner, Rosenblum recognized the students who served in the 2009–2010 Honors Student Association (HSA)—Benedict Choi (president), Genevieve Macaisa (vice president), Amanda Sylvester (treasurer), Kirstyn Hoffman (secretary/historian), and William Kotkin (freshman representative). Choi thanked the Honors students for their involvement throughout the year.
The evening’s events also included the award of Citations in General Honors to 12 students. These citations are granted to graduating seniors who have completed at least 15 Honors credits, have earned a minimum 3.4 GPA, and have maintained active participation in Honors programs and events. Citations in Divisional Honors then were presented to four students for their completion of Honors theses. Students receiving this esteemed recognition were Kristen DeAlmeida, Randy Denis, Lauren Douma, and Sharein El-Tourky.
To conclude the ceremonies, Rosenblum awarded Distinguished Honors Scholarships to 10 students chosen by the college’s Honors faculty members. The award represents outstanding accomplishment and future potential in Honors scholarship and involvement.
For more on the Undergraduate Honors Program, visit www.fcas.nova.edu/deansoffice/honors.cfm.