Tag Archives: Kristen DeAlmeida
Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences Recognizes Honors Students with Spring Banquet

The Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences held its Spring Honors Banquet on Apr. 23, at the Signature Grand, recognizing NSU’s Undergraduate Honors Program students for their academic achievements and excellence. About 200 people—including students, alumni, family members, friends, and NSU faculty members and administration—attended the event. Don Rosenblum, Ph.D.,…
Students Recognized for Outstanding Scholarship in Annual Undergraduate Symposium

For the ninth year, the NSU community gathered in celebration of outstanding student scholarship at the 2010 Undergraduate Student Symposium, hosted by the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences on Apr. 9. Symposium projects cover areas of student scholarship ranging from the experimental, applied, and computational to the theoretical, artistic,…