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Alumni Spotlight: Wilkins Earns Internship with NACWAA
Former Nova Southeastern University women’s basketball star Jasmine Wilkins has been chosen as one of just two Membership Services interns with the National Association of Collegiate Women Athletic Administrators, based out of Kansas City, Missouri.
Wilkins with start her one-year, full-time paid internship with NACWAA in December, and will also take part in their yearly National Convention, to be held in Tampa, Florida, in mid-October. Her duties will include, but aren’t limited to, management of membership services as well as assistance with all of the organization’s programming and events, including the annual convention.
“To be selected as one of the two interns to work with NACWAA as part of their membership services team is a huge honor,” said Wilkins. “I am so happy, thankful, and blessed for such an opportunity to help me start my career in the sports industry. I definitely have to give a HUGE shout out to (Associate Athletic Director/SWA) Kelley Kish for presenting this opportunity to me and speaking so positively of me to the women of NACWAA. I also want to thank all my family, friends, and loved ones for supporting me no matter what!”
“As a member of NACWAA, I have forged lifelong professional and personal relationships with strong women leaders,” added Kish. “I am thrilled that Jasmine will have an opportunity to do the same. She is going to make an immediate impact working with the NACWAA team and continue her lifelong learning from the staff and membership. Jasmine has always been a wonderful ambassador for Nova Southeastern University, and she is taking that to that national stage in this role within NACWAA and intercollegiate athletics.”