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USchool Student’s Teenography Business Wins Miami Herald Award
Katelyn Barclay, 17, is only a senior at USchool and is already at the helm of an enterprising business that’s receiving recognition from the local business community. During her junior year, Katelyn won the Miami Herald Business Plan Challenge – High School Track for her photography business, Teenography.
Katelyn’s business plan for Teenography placed first among 111 submissions and earned her an invitation to a special luncheon hosted by the Miami Herald where she had the opportunity this past June to meet the judges and venture capitalists in the South Florida business community.
Katelyn began studying photography at USchool in 7th grade and started shooting for friends and other clients a couple years later. After turning down several great photography opportunities her freshman year, Katelyn came up with the idea to create a business because she saw a void in the market that could be filled by other talented teen photographers at USchool and around the county. In fact, her friend and fellow USchool student, Alyssa Bonchick, helped design the layout of the website and was the first Teenographer hired.
Katelyn is a busy entrepreneur running a growing company. In just two years, Teenography has expanded into three counties: Broward, Palm Beach and Dade, and Katelyn now oversees a staff of 16 people. As she explains, “Teenography has found a niche where clients can get quality photographs at affordable prices.” Because Teenography’s session requests continue to grow, Katelyn said that she is “always looking for responsible and skilled teenage photographers who take their work seriously and want to build their portfolios.”
Katelyn is also a standout varsity volleyball player and president of New2U, where she leads the student ambassador and touring program at USchool. “I love helping to integrate new students into our USchool community and sharing my experiences as a ‘Lifer’ with prospective families.” Katelyn appreciates USchool as her “home away from home” and the fact that it offers rigorous academics with a balance. “Uschool has allowed me to explore different paths, assisted me in becoming an independent thinker, and helped me build leadership skills.”