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Upcoming NSU Speaker’s Forum Addresses Business Education, Apr. 23

Vincent S. Daniels, M.B.A, D.B.A, executive director pf executive education at NSU’s H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship.
Vincent S. Daniels, M.B.A, D.B.A., executive director of executive education at NSU’s H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship, will be the featured speaker at the NSU Speaker’s Forum on Apr. 23. He will speak about the need for high skills business education in a knowledge-based economy, and about the programs offered through the Hudson Institute, the Global Diploma in Business Administration, and the International Institute of Franchise Education.
Daniels teaches entrepreneurship, sales management and negotiating, and delivers training to corporations in sales and management areas.
The weekly NSU Speaker’s Forum is sponsored by Larry Calderon, Ed.D, NSU’s vice president for community and governmental affairs. Taking place each Friday from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., these forums allow speakers from the university to speak on a vast array of topics, including their latest programs, research, campus activities and more. The forum includes breakfast and a question and answer session at the conclusion of the speaker presentation.