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University School Students Expand Their Global Perspective

University School French AP and French 5 Honors students visited the exhibit Hélène Berr: Une Vie Confisquée (A Stolen Life)
The University School French AP and French 5 Honors students visited the exhibit Hélène Berr: Une Vie Confisquée (A Stolen Life) at NSU’s Alvin Sherman Library. The Mémorial de la Shoah in Paris designed this exhibit featuring the published journal of Hélèe Berr, a Jewish woman who documented her life during the Nazi occupation in France in the 1940s. Often called the “French Anne Frank,” her journal survived long after she did.
This exhibit relates to three College Board Advanced Placement language themes including contemporary life, family and community, and personal and public identities. Prior to the visit, students studied life in Paris in the early 1940s. As students explored the exhibit, they gleaned important information about the Occupation and the persecution of the Jews in France. Students later analyzed and evaluated the information to create a profile of Hélène Berr’s abbreviated life, and delivered oral presentations explaining the feelings the exhibit evoked in them.
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