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University School Students Excel at the Broward County Science Fair
Congratulations to our University School Broward County Science Fair competitors!
Upper School:
First Place and State Finalists
Billy Herskowitz Medicine and Health
Shari Kumar Medicine and Health
Neha Narang Engineering: Materials and Bioengineering
Second Place
Nisha Chaudhari Behavioral Sciences
Elizabeth Cornfeld Engineering
Third Place
Morgan Clarke Microbiology
Fourth Place
Ethan Gellman Engineering
Simran Rajani Behavioral Sciences
Middle School:
First Place and State Finalist
Sydney Silverstein Environmental Science
Fourth Place
Emily Rodman Chemistry
Ashna Ahya Medicine and Health
Middle School science fair projects are developed primarily in the classroom to afford students the opportunity to conduct thorough research, experiments, and analysis under the supervision of their science teachers. At the Upper School level, students transfer the skills learned in Middle School to look for problems in the world around them and explore solutions independently.
For more information about University School, please call (954) 262-4506 or visit us online at www.uschool.nova.edu/admissions.