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Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communications
Nova Southeastern University
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Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796


University School Educates the Heart as well as the Mind

Citizenship Day 2013 at the University School of NSU.

Citizenship Day 2013 at the University School of NSU.

The Middle School character development curriculum is a research based program designed to help young children grow up to be healthy, caring, and responsible. The program promotes 40 Developmental Assets that help students succeed in school and life. Included are twenty external assets that focus on positive experiences with the people and situations that are part of a young person’s life, and twenty internal assets that promote positive choices and the development of self-confidence, passion, and purpose.

Citizenship Day, an integral part of the character development program, gave Middle School students the opportunity to actively contribute as members of a larger group. To encourage the developmental assets of promoting a Caring School Climate, Positive Peer Influence, Integrity, and Interpersonal Competence, grade six students centered their learning on becoming better citizens within the University School community, while students in grade seven worked to improve their digital citizenship in cyberspace. Presentations by the Be More Heroic non-profit, anti-bullying campaign promoted the message of making good choices when interacting with each other at school, at social events, and through all electronic communications.

To affirm the developmental assets of Service to Others, Youth as Resources, and Youth Programs, grade eight students focused on citizenship within Broward County by engaging in a variety of community service projects at Anne Kolb Nature Center, The Cooperative Feeding Program, Irma Hunter Wesley Fort Lauderdale Child Development Center, and the Baudhuin School of NSU among others.

To read more about the 40 Developmental Assets, please visit http://www.search-institute.org/content/40-developmental-assets-adolescents-ages-12-18.

For more information about University School, please call (954) 262-4506 or visit us online at www.uschool.nova.edu/admissions.