NSU Newsroom
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University School Competes in Regional Math Competition
University School’s math team recently participated in the Florida Association of Mu Alpha Theta’s January Regional Math Tournament on the campus of FAU. Out of 41 schools and 1,292 students, our Upper School Calculus team consisting of Zachary Chase, Matthew Mann, Reuben Mann, and Gorden Yin won 5th place overall in the Calculus division. Special congratulations go to Zachary who also won 1st place in the Calculus individual with a perfect score on his test. David Branse, Jacob Ronkin, Karan Choudhary, and Eric Rosenthal also did very well on both the Interschool test and Calculus individual. Way to go, US Math Team!
For more information about University School, please call (954) 262-4506 or visit us online at www.uschool.nova.edu/admissions.