NSU Newsroom
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The Stock Market Game Connects University School Students to the Global Economy
Fourth and fifth grade students are currently participating in The Stock Market Game, an international competition that teaches and reinforces core academic skills while imparting an understanding of the importance of saving and investing. Students are transported into real world investing as they create and grow virtual cash accounts into top-performing portfolios. Three of our eight teams finished in the top 10 out of 81 elementary schools in the Elementary School division of the Fall 2013 – 10 week session. The third place team, made up of fourth grade students Luke Kreysar and Benjamin Krut, has been invited to a special ceremony where they will be presented with certificates and asked to deliver a short speech discussing their involvement in the program. Congratulations to the other students who participated:
4th place – Ryan Sobol, Ryan Hoffman, Nikki Steinberg (4th grade)
7th place – William Boudy, Tobi Margolis, Chase Barrett (5th grade)
19th place – Zachary Lyons, Madison Draizin (4th grade)
28th place – Zachary Hardgrave, Eric Almog (4th grade)
52nd place – Amanda Kopelman, Duncan Jurman (5th grade)
56th place – Breyanna Lehrer, Madison Davis (4th grade)
71st place – Katie Heller, Romy Peretz (5th grade)
For more information about University School, please call (954) 262-4506 or visit us online at www.uschool.nova.edu/admissions.