NSU Newsroom
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University School students learn about the Brain in Science Class
Lower School students recently welcomed Crystal LaBozzetta, behavioral neuroscience student at NSU’s Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, and her colleagues who recently visited fifth grade to deliver an exciting, hands-on neuroscience lesson. The lesson started with a TED-Ed video that introduced students to the parts of the brain and the nervous system. Students learned that the brain is made up of a billion cells called neurons and that they transmit electrical and chemical signals. To demonstrate how brains receive and deliver electric impulses, the video featured “The Cockroach Beatbox” experiment which showed the dissected leg of a cockroach responding to music. This experiment was then duplicated in class in one of three interactive learning stations. Seeing a cockroach respond to music right in front of their eyes illustrated to the students how the brain of a cockroach functions very much like the human brain. The students also had the opportunity to observe and examine with their own hands the brains of sheep and the eyes of a cow in the other two learning activities. This interactive and engaging learning experience enhanced the fifth grade Life Science curriculum which is currently studying the Basic Units of Life – Cells.
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