NSU Newsroom
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Technology brings the Smithsonian American Art Museum to University School Students
Without leaving the school, University School students visited the Smithsonian American Art Museum in DC where they examined the cultural heritage of American Indians as captured by native and non-native perspectives from the nineteenth- and twentieth-centuries. Using videoconferencing and iPads, grade four students learned about the westward expansion in America during the 1800s and the effect it had on settlers and American Indians. Museum docents presented works of art to the students and interacted with them as they explored paintings found in the museum’s extensive holdings. Students first indicated what they saw in the works of art by pointing out features such as colors used and whether the scenes depicted were inside or outside. Subsequently, students explained what they thought was happening in the paintings. These interpretations, supported by what students saw in the artwork, revealed their views on where they thought the scenes were taking place, what seasons where shown, and what the scenery, clothing or objects expressed about American Indians.
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