Tag Archives: researchers
2013 Updated HIPAA Security Information
The Office of Information Technology Security is pleased to bring you this update regarding HIPAA Security. It is important that all NSU faculty, staff, students, and other computer users that come into contact with electronic patient data understand what the HIPAA Security rule requires and comply with the policies and…
Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences Professor Gives Plenary Talk at Top Math Conference

Fuzhen Zhang, Ph.D., professor at the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, gave an invited plenary talk on “Generalized Matrix Functions” at the 18th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS) in Providence, Rhode Island, Jun. 3–7. The ILAS conference is the highest-level meeting of mathematicians from the field,…
NSU and BSO ‘Armed Encounters’ Researchers Present Findings to Law Enforcement Community

Representatives from Nova Southeastern University (NSU) and the Broward County Sheriff’s Office (BSO) recently presented findings from their research on armed encounters to law enforcement officials and officers from across South Florida. Key findings from their research indicated that increased training for officers early on led to increased chances that…
Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences Names Outstanding Teachers, Distinguished Professor
Each spring, the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences recognizes one full-time and one part-time faculty member as its outstanding teachers of the year, honoring their strong commitment to learning and student success. These awards reflect the endorsement and support of peers and students. Congratulations to the following college faculty…
Farquhar Students Present Research at Genetics Conference in California
Quincy Conway and Norma Salazar, undergraduate biologymajors at the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, presented a collaborative research poster at the Oomycete Molecular Genetics Network (OMGN) Annual Meeting in Pacific Grove, California, Mar. 10–12. Titled “Transcriptome Analysis of the Entomopathogenic Oomycete Lagenidium giganteum Reveals Plant Pathogen-Like Effectors,” the poster…
Farquhar Student Researchers Win Second Place in Poster Contest
Catalina Breton, Eduardo Carrera, and Andrea Linares, undergraduate biology majors from NSU’s Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, presented a poster titled, “The Importance of Neurolysin in the Renin-Angiotensin System of the Mouse Brain” at the 8th Annual National Meeting of the Latino Medical Students Association, recently held at Miami-Dade…
University School of NSU Students Shine at 7th Annual Science Congress
University School of NSU student researchers recently presented science projects in physics, engineering, biochemistry, microbiology, botany, zoology, environmental science, mathematics, and medicine and health. Please click here (http://uschool.nova.edu/aboutus/news/forms/2013-02-science-congress.pdf) to see the list of students who qualified for the Broward County Science Fair.
Tourist-fed stingrays change their ways
Stingrays living in one of the world’s most famous and heavily visited ecotourism sites — Stingray City/Sandbar in the Cayman Islands — have profoundly changed their ways, raising questions about the impact of so-called “interactive ecotourism” on marine wildlife, reports a new study published March 18 in the journal PLOS…
Occupational Therapy Student Conduct Research Study
A group of five Masters of Occupational Therapy (MOT) student researchers are conducting a study entitled NSU Health Care Professionals Students’ Knowledge about the Occupational Therapy Profession. The goal of the research study is to assess the knowledge of health care professional students regarding the career of Occupational Therapy…
Taking a Bite at the Shark Bite – Pharmacy Researchers Conduct Unique Study
Researchers from Nova Southeastern University (NSU) are conducting a unique scientific study of bacteria found in the mouths of sharks. The study will develop a better medical treatment method for shark bite victims. Scientists from NSU’s College of Pharmacy working in collaboration with St. Mary’s Medical Center will be gathering data from…