Tag Archives: marine
‘Changing Seas’ Featured at NSU Summer Dive- In Series, July 31

NSU’s Oceanographic Center and WPBT2 invite you to free screenings of ‘Changing Seas’ as part of NSU’s Summer Dive-In film series on Wednesdays 6:00- 7:00 p.m., with a reception from 7-7:30 p.m. The audience will discover exciting new ocean research, followed by the opportunity to ask questions during a…
Undergraduate Students Honored for Success in Math Bowl, Problem-Solving Contest
The Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences hosted a celebratory reception on Apr. 12 to recognize winners from this year’s Math Brain Bowl and Matrix column’s “Problem of the Month” contest. Brain Bowl Each year, several NSU students compete in the Math Brain Bowl, which pits teams in a tournament-style…
University School Sophomore Wins State and Advances to International Science Competition
Recognized for her examination of the global carbon crisis, University School sophomore Rachel Sereix, followed a first place win at the Broward County Science Fair with a first place win at the Florida State Science and Engineering Fair and an invitation to the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. As…
Oceanographic Center Helps ‘Rock the Ocean’ on Fort Lauderdale Beach

NSU’s Guy Harvey Research Institute (GHRI) and National Coral Reef Institute joined with the Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation over the weekend of April 13-14 to raise marine conservation awareness at the inaugural Rock the Ocean Tortuga Music Festival. The Tortuga Music Festival was a two-day music and marine conservation festival…
Microbe Week Takes Over at the Oceanographic Center, Begins April 11
Nova Southeastern University’s Oceanographic Center (NSU-OC) is highlighting the symbiotic relationship between microbes and coral reefs this week through a series of distinguished speaker events and conference presentations. The week’s events kick off on Thursday, April 11 with “Dive In” lecture series guest speaker Kim Ritchie, a microbiologist with the…
5K ‘Motion for the Ocean’ Run/Walk to Benefit At-risk Youth, April 14
The inaugural Motion for the Ocean 5K Run/Walk will be held on Sunday, April 14 at the NSU Oceanographic Center (NSU-OC) in Hollywood’s John U. Lloyd State Park. Motion for the Ocean is an event partially funded by the NSU Pan Student Government Association as a fundraiser and community-building event organized…
Tourist-fed stingrays change their ways
Stingrays living in one of the world’s most famous and heavily visited ecotourism sites — Stingray City/Sandbar in the Cayman Islands — have profoundly changed their ways, raising questions about the impact of so-called “interactive ecotourism” on marine wildlife, reports a new study published March 18 in the journal PLOS…
Global International Genomics Alliance Workshop held at NSU Center of Excellence
NSU’s Oceanographic Center (NSU OC) associate professor Jose V Lopez, Ph.D., has organized the first gathering of marine invertebrate scientists to discuss the plausibility and long term strategies for sequencing the whole “genomes” (heredity material) of thousands of marine invertebrate (“spineless”) organisms. The workshop group has been dubbed GIGA for…
Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences Inducts Eight Students into Marine Science Honor Society
Eight undergraduate students from the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences have been inducted into the NSU chapter of Rho Rho Rho (PPP), the national honor societyrecognizing top undergraduate students studying marine biology. The college hosted an induction ceremony and reception for the students on Feb. 22. This year marked…
Fishing for Scholarships – OC sponsors Fishing Tournament, March 2
NSU’s Oceanographic Center, in partnership with the Marine Industries Association of South Florida, will be re-launching the 6th Annual Oceanographic Center Scholarship Fishing Tournament in Fort Lauderdale on March 2. The Tournament will begin with the Kick-off Party and Captain’s Meeting on Feb. 28 at NSU’s new $50-million Center of…
Talk to Dive into Topic of Marine-Fisheries Sustainability, Feb. 19
The semester’s second talk in the Climate-Sustainability Lecture Series, hosted by the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, will look at plausible ways of managing marine fisheries to better serve both the environment and consumers. “Is ‘All or Nothing’ Really the Only Alternative for Marine-Fisheries Sustainability?” Climate-Sustainability Lecture Series David…
NSU’s Guy Harvey Research Institute Receives $200,000 from Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation

Guy Harvey, Ph.D., renowned marine wildlife artist, scientist, and conservationist recently donated $200,000 to the Guy Harvey Research Institute (GHRI) at Nova Southeastern University on Sept. 27. The donation was made toward research on large marine fishes such as sharks and marlins. Given on behalf of the Guy Harvey Ocean…