Tag Archives: iPads
I Believe in NSU Survey Participants Win iPADs
Congratulations to the five students who each won an I-Pad2, courtesy of Nova Southeastern University, for participating in the annual “I Believe in NSU” student engagement survey. The names of students that participated in the survey were automatically entered in the contest. Names were drawn at Performa Higher Education in…
NSU Researchers Using iPads to Treat Spinal Cord Injuries

At Nova Southeastern University (NSU), the tiny, flat screen, touch pad is being used by the Occupational Therapy Department researchers to treat disabled patients who suffer from spinal cord injuries and other disabilities.

Nova Southeastern University’s Mailman Segal Institute (MSI) launched a new initiative, “18 iPads in 18 Days”, to help facilitate the learning process for children with autism at MSI’s Baudhuin Preschool.