Tag Archives: I Believe in NSU

Enrollment and Student Services (ESS) Offices of Undergraduate Recruitment and Admissions recently held an Outstanding Student Reception and Dinner in the Don Taft University Center. Selected for their impressive achievements in high school grade point average and test scores on national (SAT and ACT) exams, prospective students and family members…
I Believe in NSU Survey Participants Win iPADs
Congratulations to the five students who each won an I-Pad2, courtesy of Nova Southeastern University, for participating in the annual “I Believe in NSU” student engagement survey. The names of students that participated in the survey were automatically entered in the contest. Names were drawn at Performa Higher Education in…
“I Believe in NSU” Assembly & Employee Recognition Celebration, Feb. 9

The Arena at the Don Taft University Center is the site of the I Believe in NSU Assembly & Employee Recognition Celebration on Feb. 9…
Congratulations! Random winners selected for iPad
Below are the five students that were selected randomly as incentive winners for participating in the “I Believe in NSU” survey. They will each receive an Apple iPad: · Vivian Archilla, master’s program, Fischler School of Education and Human Services · Daniel Baldwin, undergraduate, H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business…