Tag Archives: Human Rights
SHSS Alum Publishes Article in Conflict Resolution Quarterly
Samuel Appiah-Marfo, Ph.D., doctoral graduate of the Department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution (DCAR) in NSU’s Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS), has published an article in the journal, Conflict Resolution Quarterly. Appiah-Marfo’s article is entitled, “Conflict Resolution: The Faksoro Custom of the Rotuman’s of South Pacific.” Appiah-Marfo…
Kelly Concannon Mannise, Ph.D., assistant professor at the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, along with undergraduate students Nadine Grifoni, criminal justice major, and Morgan Sanchez, psychology major, presented on a panel at the symposium on “Examining Public Voice, Human Rights, and Social Justice Across Time and Space,” held at…
SHSS Faculty Lectures at UF; Speaks on Peace Education and Human Rights

Cheryl Duckworth, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution (DCAR) in the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS), was invited to lecture at the University of Florida’s Center for Leadership and Service. Duckworth’s presentation was entitled, “Peace Education and Human Rights.” Duckworth is the…
Fatal Promises: Documentary and Q&A on Human Trafficking, Oct. 12

On Oct. 12, Nova Southeastern University’s Shepard Broad Law Center will host a screening of the documentary, “Fatal Promises” followed by a Q&A session with Director Kat Rohrer. The event, which is being organized by the Inter-American Center for Human Rights at the Law Center is intended to provide unique…
SHSS Alum named Acting Executive Director for the AKILAH Institute for Women in Rwanda
Holly Ziskal, M.S., a graduate of the master’s program in the Department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution (DCAR) in the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS), is serving as the Acting Executive Director of the AKILAH Institute for Women in Kigali, Rwanda. AKILAH was designed to empower young…
SHSS Student Appointed to the Broward County Human Rights Board

Brandon Hensler, master’s student in the Department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution (DCAR) in the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS), was appointed to the Broward County Human Rights Board (BCHRB) in June 2012. The board encourages equal treatment and seeks to prevent discrimination against racial, religious, ethnic…