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Successful December Recruiting Events Close Out 2013

(Back row, standing) Dean Don Rosenblum, Ph.D., Dimitrios Giarikos, Ph.D., Robert Smith, Ph.D., Saul Sztam. Ed.D., Omar Tonsi Eldakar, Ph.D., Matthew He, Ph.D., Song Gao, Ph.D.. (Front row, sitting) Emily Schmitt, Ph.D., Jessica Brown, Ph.D., Deanne Roopnarine, D.P.M., Emily Tarsis, Ph.D.
Enrollment and Student Services’ Offices of Undergraduate Recruitment and Admissions closed out the fall recruiting season with several successful events at the main campus in December. More than 500 guests (collectively) visited for Transfer Day on December 4, Chemistry Dinner with the Dean on December 5 , Nursing and Health Care Sciences Dinner with the Dean on December 12, and Holiday Campus Preview on December 20. Guests had opportunities to tour the campus, meet with faculty and deans, and speak one-on-one with admissions, financial aid, and academic advising staff. While most of the prospective student visitors were seeking enrollment for fall 2014, many younger students were already planning ahead for 2015 and beyond.
Deans Don Rosenblum, Ph.D., Marcella Rutherford, Ph.D., and Stanley Wilson, Ed.D., presided over their dinner events and Associate Professor Dimitrios Giarikos, Ph.D. (Division of Math, Science, and Technology in the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences) presented a brief lecture at the Chemistry dinner.