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SHSS Alum Receives the Commanders Award for Civilian Service from the US Army

Fiona Mosley award

Fiona Mosley, M.S.

Fiona Mosley, M.S., graduate of the Department of Family Therapy (DFT) in NSU’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) was the recipient of the prestigious Commanders Award for Civilian Service, the equivalent of the Army Commendation Medal awarded to active duty soldiers.

Mosley received the award for her impressive efforts related to deployment and the impact on soldiers and their families. Specifically, she organized an event to prepare soldiers and their families for an upcoming deployment. This event included coordinating access to mental health professionals, lawyers, military health care officials and over 30 other community agencies. She also had oversight of the implementation of an emergency messaging system that would allow a message from the Colonel to immediately reach the entire brigade. In addition, Mosley organized the brigade’s Care Response Team, which was a team of mental health care professionals and spouses that would dispatch to the home of a spouse in the event of a major injury or death while a soldier was deployed.

Working as a Family Readiness Support Assistant/Liaison for the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, Mosley reported directly to the Brigade Commander and served on a team with the Brigade Chaplain and one other mental health professional in the Family Support Center. In the center the team saw soldiers and family members and was also responsible for supporting the soldiers and their families for six supporting battalions totaling approximately 3,500 soldiers and their family members.

Mosley said of her experience: “I have really enjoyed being the only Family Therapist in the world of Army Social Workers. I only know of one other Family Therapist on Schofield Barracks, the post I worked on, and I hope that the Army regulation will continue to change to allow for more.”