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SHSS Alum Publishes Second Book on Workplace Aggression and Bullying

Maureen Duffy, Ph.D.

Maureen Duffy, Ph.D.

Maureen Duffy, Ph.D., graduate of the Department of Family Therapy (DFT) in NSU’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) has co-authored a book on workplace bullying entitled, Overcoming Mobbing: A Recovery Guide for Workplace Aggression and Bullying. This is Duffy’s second book on workplace bullying, both published by Oxford University Press. The first book, entitled, Mobbing Causes, Consequences, and Solutions, was published in 2012. Both books were co-authored with Len Sperry, M.D., Ph.D.

Sperry is Professor of Mental Health Counseling at Florida Atlantic University and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the Medical College of Wisconsin.

Duffy is a practicing family therapist as well as a trainer and consultant in the area of workplace conflict and bullying. She is an adjunct professor in the Qualitative Graduate Certificate program offered by the Department of Multidisciplinary Studies (DMS) in SHSS. Duffy is also an associate of the Taos Institute.