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Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communications
Nova Southeastern University
3301 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796


SHSS Alum Presents at the American Society on Aging’s Annual Conference in San Diego

Linda Maurice, M.A.

Linda Maurice, M.A.

Linda Maurice, M.A., graduate of the Master of Arts in Cross-disciplinary Studies (MACS) program in the Department of Multidisciplinary Studies (DMS) in NSU’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS), presented at the American Society on Aging’s Annual Conference, Aging in America 2014.

The conference was held in San Diego, California. Maurice’s presentation was entitled, “It’s Not Your Grandparents’ Retirement – The new Reality of ‘Mature’ Adults.” She raised such questions as: Is the term ‘retirement’ really relevant anymore?

Maurice is also the director of NSU’s Lifelong Learning Institute.