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SHSS Alum appointed Assistant Director for Residence Life at Augusta College
Whitney Brown, M.S., an alumna of the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS), has been named the Assistant Director of Residence Life at Augusta College in Sioux Falls, ND. Brown graduated in 2010 with a master’s degree from the College Student Affairs (CSA) program in the Department of Multidisciplinary Studies at SHSS.
While at NSU, Brown served as a Graduate Assistant in Residence Life and in the Office of Career Development. She credits her experience as a GA in Student Affairs and her coursework for preparing her for her position at Augusta College.
For those interested in obtaining information about the Master of Science degree in College Student Affairs or the Graduate Certificate, please contact Judith McKay, J.D., Ph.D., Chair of the Department of Multidisciplinary Studies at 954-262-3060 or mckayj@nova.edu.