NSU Newsroom
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This version of SharkBytes has been archived as of February 28, 2019. To search through archived articles, visit nova.edu/search. To access the new version of SharkBytes, visit sharkbytes.nova.edu.
SharkBytes Archive
CAHSS Faculty Featured on Univision’s Despierta America on Discipline Strategies

Maribel Del Rio-Roberts, Psy.D., assistant professor in the Department of Justice and Human Services in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHSS) was featured on Univision’s Despierta America. She addressed the issue of discipline and provided tips and strategies for parents. Del Rio-Roberts’ scholarly interests include autism and…

NSU Athletics Hall of Fame Induction Banquet tickets are now on sale. Tickets cost $60.00 for the general public and $40.00 for NSU faculty, staff and students. All tickets must be purchased by Oct. 31. Please contact Kim Carbo at 954-262-8254 or email carbo@nova.edu for more information. Former women’s soccer…
Research Spotlight: Halmos Chemistry Major Conducts Summer Research Project in Oregon

This summer Halmos College chemistry major Ava Pasnon spent 10 weeks at the University of Oregon as part of NSU’s Research Experience for Undergraduate Students. While there, she worked with the research group headed by George Nazin, Ph.D. This group investigates the connection between the chemical structure and properties of…
Join I Care I Cure at the 11th Annual I Care I Cure…I Run

Join I Care I Cure at the 11th Annual I Care I Cure…I Run 5K, Mile Run of Color Fun, Corporate Challenge and Family Fun Day February 11, 2018, 8:00 a.m. Nova Southeastern University, Davie Join I Care I Cure at the 11th Annual I Care I Cure…I Run 5K…
NSU’s Multicultural Fair: We are All the Same on the Inside, Nov. 15

Once again, the College of Health Care Sciences, the HPD Multicultural Committee, and the Office of International Student affairs are sponsoring and hosting the “Multicultural Fair” on Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2017 from 11:30 am-1:30 pm outside the HPD Terry Building Clocktower Courtyard. Free food and giveaways from local vendors and…
NSU’s Fischler College of Education Students Resume Classes in Puerto Rico

NSU’s Fischler College of Education classes in Puerto Rico have resumed after the devastation from Hurricane Maria. The San Juan Regional campus is currently open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Over the past month, NSU and the Patel Family Foundation have organized private flights to the island, delivering over…
No Shave November Wellness Bash, Nov. 1

Join us November 1, 2017 in the Don Taft University Center Spine from Noon to 1:00 p.m. for the. This event promotes awareness for prostate cancer and men’s health. Men are encouraged to grow out their beards throughout the month of November, then at the end of the month we will crown…
It’s Time for NSU Homecoming and Alumni Week 2017

It’s that time of year; Homecoming is almost here, and it’s better than ever! The week of celebration will begin on Saturday, November 4 and end on Friday, November 10. You don’t want to miss out on all of the awesome activities taking place! Monday, November 6, 2017 The Opening…
Optometry Alumna Awarded Armed Forces Optometric Society Junior Optometrist of the Year

Ruth Hyatt (Smith), O.D., FAAO (’12) was selected as the Armed Forces Optometric Society (AFOS) Junior Optometrist of the Year for 2017. The award was presented at the Federal Service Optometry Meeting in Chicago held prior to the American Academy of Optometry (AAO) meeting in October. AFOS is committed to…
Associate Professor of Optometry Achieves Diplomate Status

Hua Bi, O.D., Ph.D., FAAO, associate professor at Nova Southeastern University’s (NSU) College of Optometry, was awarded Diplomate in Vision Science of the American Academy of Optometry (AAO) at the organization’s annual meeting in Chicago in October. Approximately 7 percent of Fellows of the AAO have achieved the distinction of…
Two Optometry Faculty Members Became Fellows of the American Academy of Optometry

Thuy-Lan Nguyen, O.D., FAAO, assistant professor of optometry, and Leticia Rousso, O.D., FAAO, instructor of optometry, became Fellows of the American Academy of Optometry (FAAO) at Academy 2017 in Chicago, IL on October 11-14, 2017. In order to qualify, individuals are evaluated against the highest standards of professional competence. The…
NSU CDM Professors Make their Mark in Chicago Marathon

On October 8, Carmen Bonilla, DDS, Assistant Professor Department of Endodontics and Joel Slingbaum, D.M.D, Assistant Professor and Director of Informational and Instructional Technology and Continuing Education participated in the 40th running of the Chicago Marathon.
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Students’ Mural Painted at TRED’s Reception Area

In collaboration with Professor Kandy Lopez-Moreno and her students from the Department of Performing and Visual Arts at the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS), Painting I course, participated in a mural designing contest with the administrative offices of Translational Research and Economic Development led by H. Thomas Temple,…
FCE Faculty Member Publishes Book Chapter with Two FCE Graduates

David B. Ross, Ed.D., Associate Professor in the Department of Higher Education Leadership and Instructional Technology at NSU’s Fischler College of Education (FCE) along with two of his former dissertation students, Maricris Eleno Orama, Ed.D. and Elizabeth Vultaggio Salah, Ed.D., recently published the book chapter together, The Aging and Technological Society:…
Fischler College of Education Hosts its First Early Immersion Experience “Teachme2Teach”

NSU’s Fischler College of Education (FCE) held its first early immersion experience on October 18. The experience provided undergraduate students an opportunity to engage in group discussions facilitated by FCE educators and administrators, and participate in classroom observations at NSU’s University School. The “Teachme2Teach” experience is intended to assist students…
CAHSS Hosts Their First Virtual Alumni Event

The NSU Alumni Association offers a free series of virtual networking events for alumni every month and October’s chat was designated exclusively for College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Alumni. This event provided the college with an opportunity to reconnect and engage with their alumni around the world. On…
Halmos College Physics Faculty Presents at Mathematics Colloquium

Halmos Faculty Member Diego Castano, Ph.D. will be presenting a talk entitled, “Relativity from Mathematics or Why Newton Could have Beaten Einstein to the Punch”. This talk will discuss the fact that while Special Relativity was developed by Albert Einstein and relied upon the theory of electromagnetism (fully developed in…
FCE Professor Presents to Orlando Health Central Hospital Nursing Research Council

Gina Peyton, Ed.D., Associate Professor in the Department of Higher Education Leadership and Instructional Technology at the Abraham S. Fischler College of Education (FCE) presented, How to Conduct a Literature Review, to the Orlando Health Central Hospital Nursing Research Council on October 11. The presentation aided the council in understanding the components…
2017−2018 Homecoming Court Applications, Closes on Oct. 27

Get excited because Homecoming is less than a month away and it’s time to start picking our 2017−2018 Homecoming Court. This year, the Homecoming Court will be chosen differently with a new and creative spin as we move forward with an application process. This ensures that NSU is represented by…
NSU’s Inaugural Shark Employee Fest was a Huge Success!

The inaugural Shark Employee Fest on Friday, October 20, 2017 was a resounding success! More than 1,200 employees enjoyed barbecue, games, country music, and employees with anniversaries were recognized with pins and Fins Up! The winner of the Rick Case car lease for one year was Gi-Maris Mejia-Garcia from Payroll.