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Pride Bite: NSU to Host Second Annual Statewide Contest with the Holocaust Learning and Education Fund, Inc.
NSU is pleased to announce it will be partnering with the Holocaust Learning and Education Fund, Inc. for the second annual Holocaust Reflection Contest, a statewide initiative focusing on Holocaust education. Participating middle and high school students are being asked to submit their original essays, poems, visual art pieces, and short films reflecting what they’ve learned from studying the testimonials of Holocaust survivors and how those lessons apply to their own lives.
NSU’s faculty and distinguished community leaders will judge the students’ entries. Six winning students (three from middle schools and three from high schools), as well as their respective teachers and one parent per student, will be awarded an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. to visit the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and participate in meetings with national and international dignitaries. Contest entries will be accepted December 1, 2015–January 22, 2016.
“By allowing children to learn about the Holocaust and share their knowledge through their creative writing and artistic expression, we’re ensuring the lessons from the past don’t fade into memory. NSU is honored to be part of this endeavor,” said Ralph Rogers, Ph.D., NSU Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.
The contest rules and resources are available on the contest website (http://www.nova.edu/holocaustcontest/) and the foundation’s website (http://www.holocausteducationfund.com/).