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Pharmacy Professor Appointed to State Council
Florida Pharmacy Association (FPA) President Suzanne Kelley has appointed NSU College of Pharmacy faculty/alumnus, Richard Finkel, Pharm.D., assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences, to FPA’s Professional Affairs Council as the College’s faculty representative.
Finkel received his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Southeastern College of Pharmacy in 1992 (Southeastern merged with Nova in 1994 to form Nova Southeastern University). Finkel is a consulting pharmacist for Vitas Hospice in Miami, has served as president of Prescription Drug Foundation Pharmacy in North Miami Beach for more than 40 years, and has been a clinical assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences at NSU’s College of Pharmacy for nearly 20 years. He began his career in the retail pharmacy chain field.
Finkel has received numerous honors and has been recognized extensively by NSU. He was an Outstanding Teacher finalist for NSU’s College of Pharmacy in recognition of his excellence and innovation in teaching. He received the Golden Apple Award for Teaching Excellence seven times in the past 14 years and earned NSU’s Celebration of Excellence Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award in 2004.
Finkel has actively participated on numerous committees for the College of Pharmacy and is a member of the Florida Pharmacy Association. He has also been an integral team member and participant for the College of Pharmacy’s annual alumni campaign.