NSU Newsroom
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Pharmacy Dean Appointed Vice Chair of NSU’s Academic Review Committee

Lisa Deziel-Evans, Pharm.D., NSU College of Pharmacy’s executive associate dean, professional program
Nova Southeastern University’s College of Pharmacy is pleased to announce the appointment of Lisa Deziel-Evans, Pharm.D., executive associate dean, professional program, as the new vice chair of NSU’s Academic Review Committee (ARC). The ARC conducts ongoing, high quality peer review of all the university’s academic units and programs to provide a sharpened focus on program areas in which excellence can be achieved to enhance the national stature and assure the most efficient use of available resources. “Dr. Deziel-Evans has served on the academic review committee for many years, and her teaching and leadership experience fits well with the mission and vision of Academic Program Review in helping our academic programs strive towards academic pre-eminence,” said Frank A. DePiano, Ph.D., NSU provost and executive vice president for academic affairs.