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NSU Speaker’s Forum Hosted by Dr. Larry A. Calderon, Oct. 21

Stephen G. Grant, Ph.D., visiting professor at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Nova Southeastern University’s College of Pharmacy.
Stephen G. Grant, Ph.D., visiting professor at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Nova Southeastern University’s College of Pharmacy, will be the featured speaker at NSU’s Speaker’s Forum on Friday, Oct. 21. He will discuss biomarkers of cancer and aging.
Grant is a new visiting professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences in the College of Pharmacy. He is an authority on the molecular toxicology of cancer and aging. As a geneticist, Grant investigates the diagnosis, prognostic evaluation of hereditary “cancer-prone” and “premature aging” diseases. As a toxicologist, he has developed and applied methods to directly measure the biological effects of environmental and occupational exposures in human beings. This work has important implications for cancer risk assessment, prognosis and treatment, particularly the development of personalized medicine. His recent work has focused on the transplacental effects of maternal secondary smoke exposure, and the pharmacogenetics of breast cancer (link to breast cancer awareness month).
Grant has presented at national and international meetings (foreign keynote speaker at the Environmental Mutagen Society of India annual meeting); served on panels for NIH/NCI, EPA, NASA, medical programs of France and Canada; and active in community outreach in the capacity of a speaker and advocate trainer for Komen for the Cure, American Cancer Society Relay for Life, Gilda’s Club
The weekly NSU Speaker’s Forum, hosted by Larry A. Calderon, Ed.D., Nova vice president for community and governmental relations, takes place each Friday from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. The Speaker’s Forum is held on the second floor of the Horvitz Administration Building in the President’s Board Room. For more information, please contact Tracey-Ann Spencer at straceya@nova.edu or 954-262-5208.