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NSU Law Takes Top Honors at Buffalo-Niagara Mock Trial Competition
NSU Law students Berkin Aslan, Brandon Dinetz, Andrew Jaffe, and Ivan Rodriguez traveled to Buffalo to compete in the 11th annual Buffalo-Niagara Mock Trial Competition. The competition featured the best trial advocacy programs in the country. Law students tried both sides of a homicide case before experienced judges and trial attorneys who volunteered as judges and evaluators. This mock trial involved a case of mayoral conspiracy and attempted murder. The NSU Law team competed against thirty-six other schools from across the nation. NSU Law was selectively chosen to compete at this invitational and was a quarterfinalist in the competition.
Students prepared for the case during the semester before the competition and based on their performance, a team of four students was formed. The NSU Law team was coached by adjunct professor of law, Ted Daus (’91), and former Nova Trial Association president, Brian Engel (’12).
Berkin Aslan was awarded Best Advocate of the entire competition. Last year, NSU Law student Jay Dermer, was awarded Best Advocate at the same competition. NSU Law has taken top honors, two years in a row, at this prestigious competition. Shepard Broad Law Center provides students with the widest range of opportunities to gain practical experience through moot court competitions, trial team participation, externships, clinical education, and workshops.