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Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communications
Nova Southeastern University
3301 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796


NSU Hosts “The Big Thank You” Inaugural Endowment Luncheon

On Thursday, October 4, administration and students of Nova Southeastern University gathered to honor scholarship donors at “The Big Thank You” inaugural Endowment Luncheon.  The donors who attended represented the many generous people who have created endowment funds at NSU over the past several decades.  These endowments provide scholarships for deserving students throughout the university, enabling them to pursue their dreams of undergraduate and graduate degrees.  This financial assistance ensures NSU’s growth in teaching, research, service, and learning.

NSU Chairman of the Board of Trustees Ron Assaf was on hand to express gratitude to all of the donors, and NSU President George L. Hanbury II, Ph.D., encouraged the scholarship recipients to perpetuate this generosity when they find themselves in a position to give back to their fellow students.

The program also included a testimonial from Razor’s Edge scholarship recipient Gaby Teixeira. Teixeira is a freshman majoring in biology at NSU’s Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, with aspirations of becoming a pediatrician. “It is hard to describe the magnitude of the impact that your contributions have made on my life,” said Teixeira.

For more information on how you can ensure the future of Nova Southeastern University and its students, please contact Debbie Meline at 954-262-2111 or dmeline@nova.edu.