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Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796


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Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communications
Nova Southeastern University
3301 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796


NSU to Host South Florida Diversity Summit, Nov. 2

On Friday, Nov. 2, Nova Southeastern University (NSU) will be hosting an assembly of current and future South Florida leaders as part of the 7th Annual Diversity Summit. The Summit, which will focus on expanding diversity and creating a more peaceful world will be held in the Carl DeSantis Building on NSU’s main campus in Davie.

Organized by The South Florida Diversity Alliance (SFDA), the event will unite students from colleges and high schools, professors, as well as business and community leaders to discuss hot-button social issues that impact every American.

“The Diversity Summit is designed to connect young leaders with seasoned leaders to learn from one another and hopefully build collaborative partnerships to make a positive impact in their schools, communities and workplaces,” said Terry Morrow, Ph.D., conference organizer and assistant dean of student affairs at NSU’s College of Health Care Sciences. This year’s theme is “Electing Diversity.”  “Lynn University is hosting the third and final Presidential Debate on Oct. 22 and we believe the Diversity Summit will be an important follow-up event to empower current and emerging leaders to learn and act together,” said Morayma James, conference organizer and coordinator of multicultural affairs at Lynn University.

More than 20 workshops will be hosted by community leaders, professors, and students including one being hosted by United Nations honoree and SFDA Co-Chair Laura Finley, Ph.D., and Herman Lindsey, Florida’s last death row exoneree. In 2009, a group of South Florida higher education professionals came together to form the SFDA and expand the NSU Diversity Summit to be a coalition event hosted by the SFDA.  This year, sponsoring organizations include Nova Southeastern University, Lynn University, Florida Atlantic University, Florida International University, Barry University, and Broward County Schools.

The Nov. 2 Summit will take place during the hours of 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. It will be free for students and employees from sponsoring organizations. The cost for other attendees is $30. In order to register, please visit http://www.southfloridadiversityalliance.org.  For more information, please email sfda@nova.edu.