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NSU Health Professions Division to Host Research Day, Feb. 12

hpd-research-day2016Nova Southeastern University’s (NSU) Health Professions Division (HPD) will host its biennial Research Day on Friday, February 12 to showcase its health, medical and biotechnology research.

The event is open to the public and will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. in the Terry Building (HPD) on NSU’s Fort-Lauderdale-Davie campus and will be broadcast to NSU’s regional campuses.

More than 2,500 world-class researchers, faculty and students are expected to attend Research Day. Awards will be given for outstanding research. The event will feature more than 150 research presentations from HPD faculty and students. Some of HPD’s federally-funded research includes cancer treatments, AIDS and HIV prevention, hypertension, dental stem cell therapies, blood thinner drugs, heart disease, diabetes and much more. The research is conducted by HPD’s seven colleges, including dental medicine, health care sciences, medical sciences, nursing, optometry, osteopathic medicine, and pharmacy.

The event, which is one of the largest research seminars in Florida involving students, offers participants a chance to learn more about HPD’s cutting edge discoveries and their impact on the community and throughout the world.

Click here for more information or contact Patrick Hardigan, Ph.D., professor and executive director of HPD research, at 954-262-1524 or patrick@nova.edu.